The Angel Number 111. What It Means and Why It’s Appearing in Your Life


Angel numbers. You see them everywhere. You see them on your phone, the time on your clock, when you walk past a sign or even when you find them in unexpected places like your bathroom. These numbers can come in double-digit numbers or a set of 3s and 4s (like 555 or 5555). They can even be a mixture of numbers but can appear consistently (like 989). We call these numbers ‘synchronicities’.

Synchronicity is like a message from the universe and angels. They appear coincidentally and can help you towards your current path. Think about the time you manifested something recently. Did angel numbers appear consistently afterwards? Did you see any signs and symbols that you never expected?

You’re probably here because you keep finding the numbers “111” or “1111” everywhere. What do they even mean? Well, we’re here to help you find out.

The Angel Number 111. What It Means and Why It’s Appearing in Your Life

The Meaning Behind Angel Number 1

Woah there! You got to know the meaning behind the angel number “1” first. This number is all about new beginnings, starting new chapters, being independent, taking action and moving on from the past. Think of it like flipping to a new page in a book. That is what your life is.

Whenever you see the number 1, the universe and angels are telling you to step outside your comfort zone, face your fears and go into the unknown. Trust where your intuition is taking you if you’re planning to do this. Maybe this is a sign for you to find a new job, break off a stale relationship or move to a new state or even a new country.

While it might seem terrifying at first to step outside of your comfort zone and maybe things aren’t going how you plan to at first, know that the universe has your back. That’s what happened to me when I started to step outside of my comfort zone back in 2023. I stepped out of my comfort zone and I’m still here today writing up this article.

So again, when you see this number, know that this is a new beginning for new opportunities in your life.

8 Meanings Why You Might Be Seeing The Angel Number 111

Ok, now that you understand the definition behind the number 1, it’s time to figure out what 111 means for you.

New Beginnings & Fresh Starts

This could mean new chapters and open opportunities coming through the door for you. It may happen in different parts of your life to a greater extent. Think of relationships, personal growth, or careers.

But for this to work you must be willing to open yourself up to trying something new and different. Or… this opportunity will pass by quickly. Even if that means releasing the past.

Speaking of the past, this could also be a sign to work on healing your past so that you can restart your life. Think… shadow work, meditating, therapy, or reading self-improvement books. Check out my post on shadow work journaling to start healing your inner child.

Manifestations Are Coming Into Fruition

Remember when I asked about your recent manifestation? This may suggest that your thoughts, beliefs and intentions are aligning with your 3D reality. What you need to do is stay positive, stay focused on your goals and act towards your desires.

The universe and angels are encouraging you to turn your dreams into reality by taking active steps.

  • Want to start a business? Start by learning and planning on how to make a business.
  • What about moving houses? Talk to realtors and go to open houses.

This tip is great if you want to start manifesting something fast because you’re acting as if you’re about to receive true abundance.

On the other hand, what if you’re manifesting things like money or relationships? Not all manifestations require action. For example, you could attract money out of nowhere (like I have) or bump into a person just by eating out at a restaurant. All you need to do at that moment is just allow it to happen. Focus on the positive moments and enjoy the present fully.

Alignment And Divine Guidance

Seeing 111 could be a signal that you’re aligned with your highest self. The universe is telling you that you’re on the right path (this is true if you’re also seeing 222) towards your life’s mission. They’re supporting you in every way possible.

Allow yourself to walk on the self-discovery journey, explore yourself and expand your consciousness. Try to connect with your higher self and search for enlightenment. You can do this through meditation.

This is also a cue to stay true to your authentic self and allow divine timing to lead the way. You know this by, again, following your intuition.

Spiritual Awakening

Maybe this is a sign that you’re going through a spiritual awakening. Look into exploring your spirituality further and deepen your connection with the higher-ups.

I know that I went through a spiritual awakening at the end of 2022. Before then, I was not interested in spirituality and all that jazz until my twin flame and I split. Now, I’m living the best possible life for me and I’m much more grounded.

If it wasn’t for that awakening, I wouldn’t have known about the law of attraction, the lunar moon and even what my true calling is for this lifetime.


Is this a call for you to surrender to transformation? By doing this, you’re opening up to new and exciting things. Maybe the universe is pushing you to go on a trip to a new destination or start on your sobriety journey.

Whatever it is, it’s time for you to step outside of your comfort zone and have faith that everything will work out.

Oneness and Unity

I didn’t mention this in the beginning but the number 1 also symbolises wholeness, unity and interconnection.

So when you start seeing 111, it’s a calling to connect with the universe and divine being. You’re a part of the cosmos after all.


As I said, the universe has your back and it wants you to live your greatest life. Even other times, it gives obstacles (which are amazing opportunities underneath) so that you can learn, grow and overcome them.

When you see this number, pay attention to your surroundings because you might never know what will pop up. And don’t get your hopes up if it’s not what you had expected!

Let me know if you consistently see angel number 111 everywhere.

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Ellen | EKT Creatives - Spiritual Business Girlie

Hey, girlies! I help business owners attract abundance and prosperity into their lives. Talk about productivity and time management! ✨