Feeling Low? How To Increase Your High Vibration


Hey! In my last post on positive affirmations, I mentioned something about “increasing your high vibration”.

Now, “What the heck is high vibrations”? You might be wondering.

Ok first off, we’re going to use “vibe” throughout this article (it’s short for “vibration”). Here’s an example, when I do meditation, I usually feel this electric vibe surrounding my entire body (you know like Goku?). When you feel this electric pulse, that’s when you know your soul energy is connected with the spiritual world.

Having a high vibe is a good thing because it allows you to manifest things more quickly (based on my personal experience). It’s the positive feelings that attract you to your desires.

In this post, you’re going to learn what “vibrational frequencies” are and learn ways to increase your vibes.

Feeling Low? How To Increase Your High Vibration
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

What in the World Are Vibration Frequencies?

Google’s definition:

A person’s emotional state, the atmosphere of a place or the associations of an object, as communicated to and felt by others.

Let’s push the scientific stuff out of the way first.

Everyone’s body is made up of energetic particles that are always in constant movement. Everything (whether that be you, a thing, a thought, another person or a place) in the universe is vibrating at different speeds and creating energy. When you’re at a group gathering, you can tell someone’s vibe right?

Our vibes are always changing. It can result in our shift in mood, the strength of our health, personal decisions and the energy we surround ourselves with.

What’s the Difference between High Vibes and Low Vibes?

Not everything will be in a high vibrational frequency. We need a balance between high vibes and low vibes (like yin and yang, masculine and feminine, etc). Here’s how you can tell which vibration you are on:

High Vibration/Frequencies

  • Associated with happiness, love, joy and gratitude.
  • Notably, you feel lighter, better, healthier, full of love and experience a tremendous sense of self.
  • A few things that can create a higher frequency are good music, spending time with loved ones, nutritional food, sunshine, nature, etc.

Low Vibration/Frequencies

  • Associated with anger, envy and resentment.
  • Specifically, you feel heavier, more irritated, stressed and sad.
  • Other things that could create a lower frequency are surrounding yourself with toxic people, being in toxic relationships, arguments, violence, drugs and alcohol, junk food and electronics.

So how do you increase your vibration? Here are some ideas to reach that high-frequency level.

Increasing Higher Vibes


Whenever I feel low, one of my favourite things to do is journal. It helps you release negative thoughts that block your mind, body and spirit. All you need is a few hours, a pen and paper. (If you are more of a techy person, you can also use your phone, laptop or tablet).

There are many ways you can journal. I like to do daily journaling before bed to brain-dump all my stressors or achievements from the day. It helps clear my mind so that I don’t stay up overthinking.

A good way to start is:

  • List down your daily affirmation/s (you can create one yourself or find inspiration online). For example, my one is “The universe is always working in my favour. I’m grateful and thankful for today”.
  • Today is…”: You can write down what the weather was like or was it a good/bad day?

If you still don’t know where to start, here are some high-vibrational journaling prompts to get the ball rolling:

  • What are 10 things you are grateful for?
  • What are three things that you can do to increase your vibration?
  • What are 10 things that make you feel happy?
  • What are your five important values?
  • Write about something that you’re excited about and looking forward to.
  • Who are three important people in your life?
  • What are your thoughts and feelings as your dream self?
  • Write in detail about your dream life.
  • What one limiting belief is holding you back? How can you overcome this belief?
  • Write three positive affirmations to guide you through the week.
  • What one thing that you’ve already manifested in your life? How does that make you feel?
  • Who do you look up to? And why. What parts of their life do you emulate?
  • What positive habits can you install into your life?
  • Write five things that you love about yourself.


Whether it’s a 5-minute or a 1-hour meditation, doing this daily can have a big impact on your life. It involves sitting (or lying) comfortably in a quiet space and bringing awareness to your breathing and body.

I didn’t start daily meditation until the start of 2022. Before I was irritated at a lot of little things. Because of my quick temper, I could easily go from 0 to 100 real quickly. My relationships weren’t healthy either (flashback to me arguing a lot).

After adding a minimum of 10-minute morning meditation into my daily routine, I became calmer. I learned how to make good decisions, I felt lighter and my relationships improved. While my temper still exist, it was easier for me to diffuse it after taking slow deep breaths.

Meditation helps calm your nervous system, improves mood and emotions and brings that sense of peace. It assists in clearing any negative energy in your mind.

​​There are many guided meditations online to help you increase your vibration. You can find them on YouTube, Spotify, Podcast apps and more. Just put in the keyword “guided meditation to raise your vibration” or “positive energy meditation”. If you don’t like someone telling you what to do, you can also just look up “vibrational frequency” sounds online or meditate silently by yourself with a timer on.

To get started on meditation:

  • Find a quiet 5–15 minutes in your day to sit (or lie) by yourself. If you want longer, feel free to increase the time. It’s up to you!
  • Get comfy and close your eyes.
  • Start by focusing on your breathing. Take a few minutes to breathe in and out.
  • Then analyse your body from head to toe. Breath in, in the areas that require support.
  • You might have random thoughts that appear. Be mindful of them and then let them fade away.

When you practise meditation daily, you will become a pro at it. You will see a big difference in your daily life just like I have.

Mindfulness & Yoga

While meditation requires you to have time out of your day to focus on your mind and body, you can also try deep breathing exercises called “mindfulness”. This allows you to be aware of the present moment rather than being persistently consumed by thoughts of your past and future.

Mindfulness requires you to slow down and control your breathing. It gives your mind a rest from the negative overthinking that plays a part in your stress and anxiety. It can help calm your heart rate and trigger the areas of your brain that impact relaxation, well-being, comfort and emotional control.

When you continue to practise mindfulness, you learn how to respond quicker than react, putting a “full stop sign” between your thoughts and actions. You will begin to notice your mental states shifting away from negative thinking and toxic behavioural patterns.

The best thing about this is that you can do it anywhere, whether you’re outside, cooking, exercising, doing chores, working, etc.

If you’re not a big fan of sitting still, why not try yoga? It’s a combination of meditation, mindfulness and rhythmic movement. My favourite is the “Cobra pose” (Also known as “Bhujangasana”).

Yoga helps:

  • Improve your blood sugar levels.
  • Assist with recovery from bone and muscle problems.
  • Strengthen cardiovascular health.
  • Reduce anxiety and depression symptoms.


Now if it wasn’t for gratitude, I wouldn’t be in this joyful and abundant state. I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the amazing life I have now.

Expressing gratitude frequently helps:

  • Lower stress levels.
  • Increase your psychological well-being.
  • Motivates you to participate in activities that encourage physical health.

I have my own 356 gratitude journal (if you’re an Aussie reading this, I got it from Kmart). It gives me three spaces to list three things I am grateful for every day. I usually customise these types of journals to fit my needs — for this journal, I replaced “this made me feel…” with three achievements.

Feeling Low? How To Increase Your High Vibration

Since you are already here, let’s try this now. Close your eyes for a minute and think of 3 or more things that you are thankful for. Even the littlest things like brushing your teeth in the morning. For example, I’m grateful for music, my Apple products (so I can write articles like this for you) and coffee (to make me productive and awake). Elaborating on these is optional but it’s recommended!

If you can’t think of anything, here’s a list of ideas to get your mind jogging:

  • Internet
  • Technology
  • Wi-Fi
  • Modern-day devices like toilets, showers, etc.
  • Food
  • Fresh air and oxygen
  • Good health
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Transportation to get you from A to B
  • Home
  • Your pets
  • Access to education
  • Clean water
  • Nature
  • Getting restful sleep

The more you consistently do gratitude (whether that be mindfulness, meditation or journaling), you will see a big difference in your emotions and how you appreciate your present, past and future.


Did you know that being generous is considered prosocial behaviour? Showing generosity is associated with happiness, good health, elevating social connections, evocates gratitude and inspires others to spread generosity.

So whatever more you want in life, you can give it to someone or something else. Feeling lonely? Reach out to your friends, family or a stranger. Make a stranger smile if you want. Feeling poor? Gift a small sum to a charity.

Ok, I’m not saying go on a spending spree but whenever I find myself spending money out of generosity, I get more back in return. There’s a passage in a book that says:

“Make a decision to give wherever you go, to whomever you see. As long as you’re giving, you will be receiving. The more you give, the more confidence you will gain in the miraculous effects of this law.” ~ Deepak Chopra “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Successful”

As I mentioned, if you give money, you get more money back. That goes with love, appreciation, respect and so on.

So what are some ways you can spread kindness?

  • Donate materials to charities.
  • Smile at a stranger.
  • Make a stranger’s day.
  • Help out your family, friends or co-workers.
  • Try volunteering opportunities.
  • Make meaningful conversations.
  • Give a listening ear.
  • Send an appreciation text to someone.
  • Spend at your local business.
  • Run errands for others.
  • Send a letter or care package.
  • Compliment someone (A while back, I got the courage to tell a banker that I love her nails — no literally, I LOVE her nails!)
  • Be kind to others online (I’m looking at you, buddy).

There are plenty of ways you can spread kindness and generosity for good.

Surround Yourself with Nature

You know, take in that natural vitamin D from the sun. Be grounded with the plants around you.

There are many benefits to nature such as getting to experience light waves, natural sound waves, green spaces and negative ions. It can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, lessen fatigue, minimise cortisol levels and even decrease your risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

If you’re in Victoria, Australia, I highly suggest you go to the Great Ocean Road. Driving up the mountains, experiencing the fresh oxygen in the forest and walking along the beautiful beach. If you’re not from there, what are your favourite natural places you connect with?

Love & Forgiveness

Did you know that love is one of the highest vibrating states of being (aka, the fourth highest level on the Hawkins’ Scale of Consciousness)?

One way you can increase your love is by surrounding yourself with people who support you and lift you rather than pull you down. Find those who make you feel good inside, those that have faith in you and who resonate with you at a high vibe.

If you find friends or family that have toxic traits, who make you feel fatigued after hanging out with them or you feel a negative low vibe while being with them, I suggest cutting them, distancing yourself or setting boundaries from them. Believe me, I’ve cut so many toxic people out of my life and it made me feel lighter (you would have wished you had done that sooner).

You can also work towards forgiveness. Allowing yourself to release hatred will pull a weight off your shoulders.


There are many more things that can help you create a high vibration. So stay tuned for the next post (part two) where I list more ways to increase your high frequencies.

If you found this post helpful, feel free to kick that “clap” button. Are you looking for someone to help you out with your business? Check out my portfolio and let’s talk whenever you’re ready. (P.S I was busy rebranding my entire business last week).



Ellen | EKT Creatives - Spiritual Business Girlie

Hey, girlies! I help business owners attract abundance and prosperity into their lives. Talk about productivity and time management! ✨