4 min readJul 7, 2022


Hello people…….

We are here again this time with a fascinating and alluring project that is established to enhance the widespread adoption of cryptocurrency. The introduction of cryptocurrency years ago with the aim to make life easy in many ways, that we can now have cross-border transactions settled within minutes and most times at a minimal cost. Despite these successes recorded by cryptocurrency, lots of people are still unconvinced and lack the desire information that both blockchain and cryptocurrency offers. These have created the need for a platform that will shape the future of cryptocurrency through detailed online real estate sharing and other services that will lead to informed decision as it relates to cryptocurrency investments and usage. Permit me to introduce you to Digital Landlord (DLord), that is established to produce and promote the right information about cryptocurrencies in order to avoid the negative tendencies that are prevalent in the digital world while making the best investment decisions that comes with maximum profits. So stay tune while I bring you the detailed information about Digital Landlord and benefits of its cryptocurrency.


Digital Landlord is using a business model structured with maximum legal transparency by senior financial professionals with cumulative experience over 100 years with major international financial institutions in global financial centers. Digital Landlord token (DLord) is backed by a growing proprietary portfolio of internet domains. As for the crypto asset of the Dlord platform, it is worth noting that this is a token that operates on the Binance Smart Chain network and has a BEP-20 format, which allows it to already have a number of best features in use, namely fast and secure transactions, as well as not expensive commissions. It is also important to note that the DLORD token is used in all platform processes, which means that its value and price will constantly grow. By the way, this can be checked if you visit the Coinsbit cryptocurrency exchange, where the DLORD token is already being traded.


  • Starting marketing and PR campaigns, creating communities.
  • Listing on informational portals, including CoinGecko and Coin Market Cap.
  • Listing on CoinsBit crypto exchange globally ranked №36 and launching market making.


  • Low return on classical real estate leasing schemes
  • Lack of attractive asset-backed inflation-linked fixed income instruments
  • No access to domains as an asset class
  • Lack of risk appetite for investing in regular crypto instruments
  • Lack of crypto projects structured comfortably for traditional financial investors.


Digital Landlord offers investors a unique opportunity to participate in a business model generating revenue globally from a portfolio of internet domains. No other crypto or conventional financial product provides investors with exposure to this asset class. Over half of all tokens issued will be sold on crypto exchanges including Binance and traded daily at market prices based on demand and supply.

The price of DLord tokens is supported by two major factors: the total value of purchased domains and the amount of total tokens in circulation.

DLord cryptocurrency will be burned on a regular basis, reducing their supply. Therefore, their value is supported by the growing value of the domain portfolio and the growing demand for DLord tokens. So, i suggest you begin today and become digital landlord and have your funds grow exponentially. Thank You!

More information

Website: https://dlord.io/
Medium: https://digitallandlord.medium.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/dlordtoken
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dlordtoken?s=21&t=6qiv-cF8k4RTCuN8iDP4fA
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/digitallandlordio/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/dlord.io?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/dlord/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/digital-landlord/

Author: Obarekwe

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