Aswang Movie: The Filipino Horror You Must Not Ignore

Ella Pierre
3 min readMay 30, 2024


The world of horror cinema is rich and varied, but one sub-genre stands out with its unique blend of folklore and fright: the aswang movie. This Filipino horror staple explores the folklore surrounding the aswang, a monster from Philippine folklore that can transform into different forms. Nightmarish transformations and eerie countryside, are the aspects of aswang movies that horror lovers are so eager for.

Demystifying the Aswang

Aswangs are mythical creatures of Filipino folklore and are usually depicted as a cross between vampires and ghouls. They are capable of shape-shifting, with the ability to turn into animals such as dogs or birds. Their most recognizable characteristic, though, is their cannibalism, specifically of human flesh, but especially fetuses and infants. Aswang has been a popular folklore in the Philippines that has existed for generations and has created several legends, books, and movies.

The crux of an aswang movie therefore is to be able to transform these horror stories into real life. Directors and writers turn to the depth of cultural references in their films and use local myths and superstitions. This is a movie that can be easily understood by the Filipino audience and can scare them at the same time while at the same time giving a different view to the rest of the world.

The Evolution of Aswang Movies

It is for this reason that early aswang movies depended greatly on storytelling as well as practical effects to elicit dreadful feelings among viewers. Movies such as “Shake, Rattle & Roll” popularized the aswang folklore through the sounds and settings that made the monsters scarier; dark, and rural. These movies brought a lot of suspense on when and where the aswang would attack thus making the audiences expectant all along.

With the advancement of the big screen, the portrayal of the aswang also evolved. Films of the contemporary generation have improved their special effects to depict the monstrous transformations of these aswangs. One notable example is “Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles,” in which writers and directors used computer-generated imagery with practical effects on the big screen. The powerful action performances and colorful aesthetics established a new benchmark for aswang films.

Culture and Worldwide Popularity

Thus, aswang movies are more than just films that belong to the horror genre. It presents a glimpse of Filipino culture, particularly the rural setting, family, and spirituality. Eerie small villages and close-knit communities being menaced by supernatural forces are something that many viewers identify with and find believable.

In addition, aswang movies depict ideas that are elemental like fear, existence, and the unexplained. This increases audience reach, targeting horror aficionados from different parts of the world who are in for a change of pace. The fact that aswang movies have sympathetic audiences all over the world proves that storytelling and the human interest in the bizarre is cross-cultural.

Must-Watch Aswang Movies

It is also important to note that several aswang movies are perfect for those who are just getting into the genre. “Aswang” (1992) is one of the most memorable films in the horror genre with aesthetic ambiance and effective storytelling. Another mandatory film is “Yanggaw”, the movie is about a young woman turning into aswang with a focus on how it affects the family.

Such later works as ‘Seklusyon’ (2014) and ‘The Road’ (2016) further deepen the exploration of the horror genre while still retaining the aspects of folklore. These films prove that aswang stories are not only timeless but can be creatively adapted into today’s films.


Of all the movies that belong to the horror category, aswang movies deserve special attention since they incorporate tradition, culture, and fear. These films entertain and even horrify, but they also give audiences glimpses into Filipino folklore and culture. Whether this is your first brush with horror or your fifth, an aswang movie delivers an unforgettable experience into the very soul of Philippine folklore. Do not fear, and let the legend of the aswang haunt you even after the movie is finished.

