The Evolution of Transportation And Its Effect On Climate Change Throughout History

Nour Elaasar
5 min readNov 27, 2019


This blog post focuses on exploring the history of movement (transportation), its evolution and its impacts on climate change.

So when did transportation even start? Was it when humans evolved into walking species and learned to do so or was it when the first ever canoe made in 8000B.C. (3)

Transportation began when humans gained the ability to walk, this then lead to the invention of secondary transportation methods that did not involve having to physically move and walk on one’s feet to get somewhere. These accompanying creations to walking started with the oldest canoe (8000B.C) being discovered in Holland (3), followed by the wagon created during 3000B.C, later being replicated (covered version) in the 1700’s. Not only were wagons invented in the 1700’s but boats were too.(5)

The 1800’s was when a surge in invention started. In the early 1800’s the first train and steam engine took off, soon after came the first bike, then the first passenger train, followed by the first passenger ship. In the late 1800’s the first electricity-powered, wheeled car (having only 3 wheels) was invented by Karl Benz which was otherwise thought to have 4 wheels by many. (5)

In the early 1900’s the first ever gasoline-powered plane was created by the Wright brothers and was able to take off and land with zero damage. Next came the fuel-powered (4), 4 wheeled car, named “Model T” created by Henry Ford. After Model T, the first passenger airplane took off followed by upgrades made to current existing creations up until now. New bikes for different uses (mountain, street bike etc.), Larger, more efficient trains and railways (for both, human and cargo transport), high quality, diversified water transportations (luxury ships, yachts, speed boats etc.) and so on. (5)

This timeline is a brief outlook on the evolution of human movement throughout history. This evolution did not only occur in the transportation section but in the manufacturing section as well. However, as mentioned previously, this blog focuses solely on transportation and its impact on climate change. So, how exactly did its (transportation) evolution contribute to global warming?

Up until the industrial revolution, water was the main power source. However, what boosted the economic growth around the world was the combined use of both coal and water (steam) to power engines. These stable sources ensured the possibility of higher industrial productivity. Oil and natural gas were later introduced and further used in the manufacturing industry (cars, ships, planes, cooling technologies etc.).(4)

The industrial revolution introduced easy means of movement/transportation due to the availability of fuel sources that power them. However, these comfortable, accessible means were accompanied by negative impacts on the environment. These effects include noise pollution, air pollution, acidification and emission of greenhouse gases (2). In the past (pre- industrial revolution), transportation used to run either manually or by electricity and its availability was much less than what it was since the industrial revolution. This meant that there were no harmful emissions being released since there was nothing to burn off in the first place. Now that lots of fuel is being burnt off through engines and large populations now having access to such fuel dependent means, the risk of harm is much greater.

Fossil fuel emissions include large amounts of CO2 which trap heat in the atmosphere and result in the rising of global temperatures. In order to significantly reduce the risk of further temperature increase, scientists sought to find reasons to prove the necessity to eliminate factors that destroy nature and the health of humans and animals. Some ways thought to aid with transportation related destructions are technological innovations, transport policies and improved traffic management.(2)

According to a study in the book, “ Transport And Environment”, road transportation is the most harmful and damaging emission source, holding a whopping 93% of the amount of greenhouse gases increase in the atmosphere. However this negative contribution of emissions depends on other factors including the type of fuel used, the practical or engineering aspect of the transportation method and road networking. (2)!/format/jpg/quality/85/

Now that it has been proven that current transportation means cause a lot of damage to the climate unlike the pre-industrial revolution era, it is essential to start acting upon that in order to find ways to reduce the damage. Measures taken involve using less land and air transportation by walking, biking or sailing, using public transportation and planning trips ahead of time in order to minimize the number of trips taken. In addition to that people should drive more methodically by taking it easy on the gas and brake. Changing to electric cars would also be a beneficial, eco- friendly option rather than fuel-running vehicles. Finally, reducing the number of online shipments by making sure to have all packages delivered at once and being flexible with time of shipment helps reduce the extra routes and trips taken, whether by air or on land.(1)

With that been said, it is important to recognize the downsides of such comfortable means of movement and their effect on climate change. It is also essential to understand the primary as well as the secondary contributing factors to these downsides. By figuring out all of this, solutions can be established and the rate of damage can be slowed down until it reaches a stable condition.Offering ways to reduce fossil fuel emissions (ex.manufacturing companies making electricity-fueled cars) and by spreading awareness to inform people about how much the issue is affecting them can motivate individuals to start acting, leading to the development of a large movement working towards better transportation utilization.



What You Can Do to Reduce Pollution from Vehicles and Engines. (2017, January 10). Retrieved November 26, 2019, from


Mihalache, M. (2014, May 16). Transport and Environment. Retrieved November 27, 2019, from


Vaucher, J. (2014, April). History of ships- prehistoric craft . Retrieved November 27, 2019, from


The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2019, November 14). Model T. Retrieved November 27, 2019, from


Timeline. (n.d.). History of movement: the evolution of transportation. Retrieved November 26, 2019, from!date=2012-12-16_21:07:10!



Nour Elaasar

Welcome to my blog! This blog focuses on exploring different aspects of and contributing factors to climate change and its history.