How I Stay Creative — a Different Perspective from a UX Designer

Enrique Labrada
3 min readOct 31, 2019

It’s quite amusing that the design industry is one of the only fields (that I’m aware of) where having a creative mind is expected, as opposed to being a preferred quality in a potential candidate.

Everyone is creative. It’s a human quality that we are all born with. However, creativity is something that we actively have to nurture. This article will demonstrate the actions I take to ensure new ideas keep flowing, and will hopefully serve an inspiration to anyone who reads this beyond the typical design warm-ups.

Before moving forward, I want to reiterate that it is normal to have periods where ideas do not spawn. Known as creative blocks, they are experienced by even the most talented designers. It’s always important to acknowledge when you are experiencing a creative block and seek the most appropriate solution.

1. Exercise — at least 3 days a week.

Here’s another motivation to stay active. Some of my best ideas on how to tackle certain design challenges appeared during an early morning 2-mile jog.

When I’m jogging, my mind is not concentrated on the work that is present on my desk, it’s focused on saving my energy to reach the goal of covering 2-miles. It is perhaps the act of focusing on another activity that is responsible for giving me a sense of clarity.

Exercising may not be the only responsible factor that contributes to creativity. There may be other explanations for why I tend to spawn ideas during a run. I jog on early mornings along a trail with reduced noise pollution from the city, surrounded by green vegetation and bodies of water, feeling the warmth of the sun throughout me. My mind is free from distractions, apart from the occasional chirping bird and the cyclists that greet me.

2. Getting 8 hours of sleep.

In a world filled with self-acclaimed hustlers that grind 24 hours a day, cutting down on your sleeping hours may seem like a good idea to catch up with the rest of the crowd.

It’s not. Reducing your sleeping hours cuts down on your productivity throughout the day, and brings along unforeseen negative consequences to your health.

Getting a night of adequate sleep is essential. It allows our body to get the rest it needs. Waking up with a refreshed mind gives me the clarity and energy to start working on new ideas.

According to the recommended hours by the National Sleep Foundation, at my age (19 years old), I should strive to sleep for around 7–9 hours. To find out how many hours of sleep you should aim for, visit this helpful chart provided by the National Sleep Foundation.

3. Drinking water

In place of having a cup of coffee to start my morning, I drink water to keep myself properly hydrated.

Water is essential for all of us. It’s pretty much the only beverage I consume (though I do enjoy the occasional cup of hot cocoa). By being hydrated, you eliminate the consequences that mild dehydration brings along, such as affecting our cognitive performance, as well as negatively impacting our moods to name a few.

Concluding this writing, a certain theme arises from the points I mentioned that contribute to my creativity. They don’t originate from something that was developed at a fancy Silicon-Valley startup, rather they seem more in fit with what a healthy lifestyle blog would talk about.

And I believe that’s the point; a healthy lifestyle contributes to a healthy mind. Lacking the necessities to function properly can throw you off balance. As always, I hope you find this different perspective on how I keep myself creative valuable.




Enrique Labrada

Product Designer @ Athenux. On a mission to make healthier user experiences and design accessible for all.