Is Elon Musk’s Starlink Game-Changer Nigeria Needs?

Pamela Sabastine
12 min readJun 23, 2023

Elon Musk’s Starlink, a satellite-based internet service, has officially arrived in Nigeria, generating high expectations among users who are hopeful that it will revolutionize their internet experience. Promising wider coverage, unlimited data, and faster internet speeds, Starlink has garnered considerable attention as a potential competitor to the existing network providers in the country. However, after using Starlink for over a week, it becomes apparent that while it shows promise, it may not be the comprehensive solution Nigerians were hoping for, at least not yet.

In this blog post, we will delve into the firsthand experience of using Starlink in Nigeria and provide an in-depth review of its various aspects. From the ordering process to the network performance, weather conditions, and limitations, we will explore the pros and cons of Starlink’s availability in the Nigerian market. By examining these key factors, you’ll gain valuable insights to help you determine if Starlink meets your network demands and if it has the potential to revolutionize the internet landscape in Nigeria.

Let’s find out if Starlink truly lives up to its promises and whether it can deliver the transformative changes Nigerians are eagerly anticipating.

I. The Ordering Process:

Ordering Starlink may seem straightforward, but there are a few challenges and considerations to keep in mind. Here’s a closer look at the process:

  1. Availability and Confirmation: Starlink’s availability in Nigeria can be checked directly on its website. By selecting your location, you can confirm if the service is accessible in your area. However, it’s important to note that Starlink’s coverage is still expanding, so not all regions may be eligible at the moment.

2. Payment Challenges: One significant hurdle for potential Starlink users in Nigeria is the payment process. While the price is listed in Nigerian Naira based on the official rate set by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), payment can only be made using dollar cards. This means that the actual cost of Starlink will be significantly higher due to the exchange rate and any additional charges associated with acquiring dollars.

3. Alternative Payment Methods: Starlink does provide a few alternative payment methods, such as Payday. However, these options are virtual card services that may still require purchasing dollars at rates higher than the black market rate. As a result, acquiring Starlink may not be a straightforward process for everyone, especially considering the difficulties involved in funding dollar cards.

4. Delivery Timeframe: Once the order is successfully placed, Starlink takes approximately 2 to 4 weeks to deliver the necessary equipment. This extended timeframe is due to the high demand for Starlink services.

5. Equipment Included: Upon delivery, the Starlink box will contain essential equipment for setting up the service. This includes a mount, dish, router, and cables necessary for installation.

6. Installation and Setup: Setting up Starlink is relatively easy and can be done by anyone. The process typically involves mounting the dish on a clear-access area, preferably on the roof, to ensure an unobstructed view of the sky. Clear instructions are provided in the setup guide and accompanying app. However, assistance may be required for mounting the dish on the roof.

7. Additional Mount Options: The mount included in the Starlink box is suitable for flat surfaces or ground placement. If you require alternative mounting options, such as wall or pole mounts, you can order them separately from Starlink. It is worth noting that these additional mounts come at an extra cost, which may not be initially apparent during the ordering process.

While the ordering process for Starlink in Nigeria offers the potential to access this satellite-based internet service, it is essential to consider the challenges associated with payment, availability, and delivery time. Despite these initial obstacles, once you successfully navigate through the ordering process, you’ll be one step closer to experiencing Starlink’s touted benefits of wider coverage, unlimited data, and faster internet speeds.

II. Delivery and Setup:

After successfully placing your order, the delivery and setup process of Starlink involves several key steps. Let’s explore them in detail:

  1. Delivery Timeframe: Due to the high demand for Starlink services, the delivery timeframe can range from 2 to 4 weeks. It’s important to be aware of this extended waiting period when anticipating the arrival of your Starlink equipment.

2. Contents of the Starlink Box: Once the Starlink box arrives, you will find all the necessary equipment included for the setup process. This typically includes a mount, dish, router, and cables required for installation.

3. Installation Accessibility: To ensure optimal performance, the Starlink dish needs to be mounted in a location with clear access to the sky. Ideally, this means installing it on the roof or an open field without obstructions. The dish relies on a direct line of sight to Starlink’s satellites, so placement is crucial for establishing a reliable connection.

4. Setup Ease: Setting up Starlink is designed to be user-friendly, and it does not require technical expertise. The accompanying app and setup guide provides clear instructions for the installation process. While most aspects of the setup can be done independently, mounting the dish on the roof may require assistance.

5. Cable Length: Starlink provides a 75ft long cable with the equipment, which is typically sufficient for most installation scenarios. This cable connects the router to the dish, ensuring signal transmission.

6. Positioning and Alignment: Once the router and dish are connected, you can use the Starlink app to scan for a suitable position. The app assists in determining whether the dish is placed in an optimal location for a strong and stable connection. Making sure no obstructions are blocking the line of sight to the sky is crucial for proper alignment.

7. Mount Options: The mount included in the Starlink box is designed for flat surfaces or ground placement. However, if your installation requires a different mounting option, such as wall or pole mounts, Starlink offers the flexibility to order these additional mounts separately. Keep in mind that these alternative mounts may come at an extra cost, and selecting the appropriate one during the initial order can help avoid additional expenses.

Once the setup is complete, the Starlink system aligns itself with the satellites, establishing a connection for internet access. With the equipment in place and aligned correctly, you should be ready to enjoy the benefits of Starlink’s wider coverage and promised faster internet speeds.

Remember, while the setup process itself is relatively straightforward, it’s crucial to ensure the dish has an unobstructed view of the sky and that all components are properly connected. By following the provided instructions and seeking assistance if needed, you can set up Starlink and begin experiencing its potential benefits.

III. Network Performance:

The network performance of Starlink in Nigeria is a crucial aspect to consider when evaluating its suitability as an internet service provider. Let’s delve into various factors that influence the network performance of Starlink:

  1. Download Speeds: Starlink promises impressive download speeds, with advertised speeds ranging from 50 to 250 Mbps in the region. Initial tests indicate that Starlink generally delivers on these promises, offering consistent and fast download speeds. Users can enjoy a smooth browsing experience, faster downloads, and seamless streaming.

2. Weather Conditions and Reliability: One significant drawback of Starlink’s network performance in Nigeria is its vulnerability to adverse weather conditions, particularly rainfall. Users have reported that during heavy rain, the service can experience interruptions and reduced speeds. In some cases, the connection may even go offline temporarily. This weather-dependent limitation can be a significant inconvenience for users relying on consistent internet access.

3. Upload Speeds: Starlink’s network performance in terms of upload speeds leaves much to be desired. Users have reported poor upload speeds, which can make tasks such as uploading files or content creation challenging. In some cases, users have had to rely on alternative internet providers for reliable and efficient uploads, indicating that Starlink’s upload speeds may not be suitable for bandwidth-intensive activities.

4. Device Compatibility: Starlink’s router broadcasts its network on both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies. While the 5 GHz network provides faster speeds, some users have encountered compatibility issues with certain smartphones. Notably, smartphones from popular brands may not connect to the 5 GHz network, limiting their ability to benefit from the higher speeds. However, laptops and select devices are often capable of connecting to the 5 GHz network, resulting in faster performance for those devices.

5. Power Dependency: It’s important to note that Starlink requires a constant and reliable power source to function. This means that users must have a stable electricity supply or alternative power backup solutions in place. Without a consistent power source, the service will not be accessible, making it crucial to consider power availability when opting for Starlink.

6. Support and Customer Service: One notable limitation of Starlink in Nigeria is the lack of easily accessible customer support. Unlike local internet service providers, Starlink does not provide a direct support line for immediate assistance. Users may need to rely on online resources, research, and support ticket systems for issue resolution. This can be frustrating for users who require timely support or face technical difficulties.

While Starlink’s network performance offers impressive download speeds and wider coverage, its susceptibility to weather conditions, poor upload speeds, device compatibility challenges, power dependency, and limited customer support are significant considerations. Assessing these factors about your specific internet usage requirements is essential in determining whether Starlink’s network performance aligns with your needs and expectations.

In the next sections, we will explore additional aspects such as coverage, device connectivity, data caps, and overall recommendations for Starlink in Nigeria.

IV. Limitations and Additional Costs:

While Starlink in Nigeria offers several advantages, it also comes with certain limitations and additional costs that users should be aware of before making a decision. Let’s explore these aspects in detail:

  1. Power Dependency: One significant limitation of Starlink is its dependency on a constant and reliable power source. Users need to ensure they have a stable electricity supply or alternative power backup solutions in place to keep the Starlink router and equipment running. This requirement may pose challenges in areas with inconsistent power infrastructure or during power outages, as the service will not be accessible without a continuous power source.

2. Data Caps and Fair Usage Policy: Starlink does impose a data cap on its service. While the exact limit may vary, users should be aware that exceeding the specified data limit can result in speed throttling during peak hours. It’s important to monitor data usage and consider the impact of the data cap on your internet activities, especially if you have high bandwidth requirements or rely heavily on data-intensive tasks such as streaming or online gaming.

3. Additional Equipment and Costs: a) Mounting Accessories: The Starlink kit includes a mount, dish, router, and cables necessary for installation. However, if you require alternative mounting options, such as wall or pole mounts, these need to be purchased separately from Starlink at an additional cost. It would be more convenient if users could select the suitable mount during the initial ordering process to avoid extra expenses.

b) Ethernet Adapter: Starlink’s router does not have an Ethernet port, which may be a limitation for users who prefer a wired connection for certain devices. To connect devices via Ethernet, an additional Ethernet adapter needs to be purchased separately from Starlink, resulting in an extra cost.

c) Mesh Networking: For larger spaces or multi-floor setups, users may require additional mesh networking equipment to extend the Wi-Fi coverage provided by Starlink’s router. These mesh networking devices can be purchased separately at an additional cost, further increasing the overall investment in the Starlink setup.

  1. Lack of Easy Customer Support: Starlink currently lacks easily accessible customer support channels compared to local internet service providers. Users may have to rely on online resources, self-help documentation, or support ticket systems to resolve issues or seek assistance. This can be a drawback for those who prefer immediate and direct customer support, as response times may vary, and resolutions may take longer to achieve.

Considering the limitations and additional costs associated with Starlink, users need to weigh them against the benefits and advantages the service offers. Factors such as power availability, data usage patterns, the need for additional equipment, and the preference for accessible customer support should be carefully considered before committing to Starlink as the primary internet service provider.

V. Is Starlink for You?

After considering the various aspects of Starlink’s availability, ordering process, delivery, network performance, and limitations, it’s time to assess whether Starlink is the right choice for you. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Wide Coverage and Remote Accessibility: One of Starlink’s major advantages is its ability to provide internet access even in remote areas where traditional ISPs may not offer reliable service. If you live in a remote location or require internet connectivity in areas with limited infrastructure, Starlink’s wide coverage can be a significant benefit.

2. Power Availability: Since Starlink relies on a continuous power source, it is crucial to ensure you have a reliable electricity supply or backup power solutions in place. If you reside in an area with frequent power outages or struggle with consistent electricity, relying solely on Starlink may not be feasible unless you have a robust backup power system.

3. Internet Usage and Data Requirements: Consider your internet usage patterns and data requirements. Starlink offers a large data cap, potentially exceeding the needs of average users. However, if you have high bandwidth requirements or frequently consume large amounts of data, it’s important to monitor your usage and evaluate if the data cap and fair usage policy align with your needs.

4. Upload Speed and Reliability: Take into account the importance of upload speeds for your online activities. If you heavily rely on activities such as file uploads, content creation, or video conferencing, Starlink’s current limitations in upload speeds may pose challenges. Assess whether the upload speeds provided by Starlink meet your requirements or if alternative solutions may be more suitable.

5. Weather Conditions and Service Interruptions: Consider the impact of weather conditions, particularly heavy rainfall, on Starlink’s network performance. If you live in an area with frequent rain or other adverse weather conditions, you may experience interruptions and reduced speeds. Evaluate how critical consistent internet access is for your needs and whether the potential service disruptions during inclement weather are acceptable to you.

6. Customer Support Expectations: Starlink’s customer support options are currently limited, primarily relying on online resources and support ticket systems. If having easy access to customer support via phone or immediate assistance is important to you, Starlink’s support structure may not meet your expectations.

Ultimately, the decision of whether Starlink is suitable for you depends on your specific circumstances, priorities, and internet usage requirements. If you prioritize wide coverage, and remote accessibility, and are willing to work with the current limitations and potential weather-related interruptions, Starlink can be a viable option. However, if you have specific needs for consistent upload speeds, require immediate customer support, or face challenges with power availability, you may need to consider alternative internet solutions or a combination of multiple service providers.

Assess your individual needs, weigh the pros and cons, and consider how well Starlink aligns with your network demands.


In conclusion, Starlink’s availability in Nigeria has generated high expectations as a potential game-changer in the internet service provider landscape. While it promises wider coverage, unlimited data, and faster internet, it is important to evaluate its performance and limitations before making a decision.

The ordering process for Starlink involves confirming availability, filling in details, and making payment. However, the current requirement of paying with dollar cards and the associated costs of obtaining dollars can be a challenge for some potential users.

Once the Starlink kit is delivered, the setup process is relatively straightforward, and the equipment can be easily installed by following the provided instructions. However, a clear line of sight to the sky and a reliable power source are prerequisites for optimal performance.

In terms of network performance, Starlink offers impressive download speeds, especially in the range of 50 to 250 Mbps. However, it is affected by weather conditions, particularly rain, which can cause service interruptions and significantly reduce speeds. Upload speeds are currently a limitation, and users may need to rely on alternative internet options for tasks requiring fast upload capabilities.

There are certain limitations and additional costs to consider. Starlink has data caps, a fair usage policy, and may throttle speeds for users exceeding the specified limit. Additional equipment such as alternative mounts and Ethernet adapters may also incur extra costs. Furthermore, the lack of easily accessible customer support channels can be a drawback for those accustomed to immediate assistance.

Ultimately, the decision of whether Starlink is suitable for you depends on various factors, including your location, power availability, internet usage patterns, and tolerance for service interruptions. If you live in a remote area, have reliable power, and require internet access for general browsing and downloading, Starlink’s wide coverage and large data cap may be advantageous.

However, if you heavily rely on upload speeds, need consistent customer support, or have specific requirements that Starlink may not currently meet, it may be worth considering alternative options or a combination of different internet service providers.

To determine if Starlink meets your network demands, carefully evaluate its pros and cons in about our individual needs. Consider factors such as coverage, power availability, data usage, upload speed requirements, weather conditions, and the importance of customer support.

In the end, only you can decide if Starlink is the right choice for you based on your unique circumstances and priorities.

