Two Artists Studio Work by John Horne and Carol Goodchild at the Beaney

Elaine Ko
2 min readAug 31, 2022


Ever wonder how artists respond to the world around us? The Beaney House of Art and Knowledge’s Front Room gallery currently features the artworks by two Kent-based contemporary artists, John Horne and Carol Goodchild, who invited us to reflect upon our changing way of living under the pandemic through their colourful artworks that burst with abstraction.

You will see a number of cardboard reliefs in the exhibition room, each unique in its way of layering, colour combinations and shapes, inviting you to look into the depths of each artwork. Horne utilises excess cardboard from delivery packages, welcoming viewers to reflect on waste problems that originate from the increasing demand in delivery since the pandemic and the consequence of insatiable consumption patterns. The variety of colours and allocation of the geometric cardboard pieces are assembled in an abstract manner, which associates one with the paintings by Dutch painter Piet Mondrian, whose work is signature for its growing cubic abstraction into geometric shapes, as well as Picasso’s play with dimensions. It is refreshing to see abstraction in a three-dimensional presentation.

On the other side of the exhibition room, you will be captivated by Goodchild’s expressionistic paintings that dazzle you with her flowing brushstrokes and vibrant use of colour. The collection of paintings displayed in the exhibition features the artist’s inspiration directed toward nature, capturing the essence of the depicted subjects with expressive colours.
Many works were produced during the lockdown, encouraging people to focus on the beauty of the natural world. Such beauty is shown through paintings depicting sunflowers, waterfalls, and subjects with transience. The dynamic in the free-flowing strokes and colours harmonise well in each painting, creating a balanced presentation. You may be reminded of American abstract expressionist Jackson Pollock’s impulsive creations with his expressive dashes of paint scattered on the picture plane.

If you want a little getaway to a space of abstracts, Two Artists Studio Work by John Horne and Carol Goodchild is at The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge until 3 April 2022.

This article was published on InQuire Media on 21/03/22 (

