My Candidate Signed… Now What?

3 min readJul 9, 2020

Onboarding, retention, and the long term value of your new hire.

Let’s talk about candidate retention.

It is a common misconception that the recruiting process is over when a candidate accepts an offer. The extension of that process, retention, continues through their first day, and definitely past their 90 day mark. Thinking about how to provide a best-in-class candidate and employee experience benefits you as it does your next hire.

Spending months on a search to find the perfect fit for your team, only for them to call you two days before their start date to let you know they won’t be showing up isn’t fun. We thought it would be valuable to explore how to mitigate the “re-neg”, as it’s called in the talent acquisition space.

The Post Offer Recruiting Process

The post-offer recruiting process can be simple, but extremely powerful in recruiting and retention efforts and will hopefully help you avoid those last minute offer declines.

Take a moment to evaluate what your touch points look like from the time a candidate accepts an offer to their start date. If your answer is “there is none”, you’re losing out on critical relationship building moments with your new hire.

Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash




Lindsay and Nicole cover management, workplace culture, and how to keep yourself sane in today’s fast paced world.