Take your testing to another level with ElasTest: the use case of Atos Wordline

4 min readSep 11, 2019


Atos Worldline provides one of the use cases that are helping in the validation of ElasTest. The use case involves the Mobile Competence Centre of Worldline which offers to its customer’s services that cover the full development cycle of mobile applications including testing. This use case is unique and very important for us because it provides real industry requirements about which are the key points that ElasTest must provide in order for web and mobile applications to fulfill the market demands. Including, among others functional and non-functional testing, performance, and security testing, as well as device compatibility.

Atos Worldline wants to increase software quality, including complex test scenarios, and having necessary tools for implementing an industrialized and automatized testing service. We want to offer it to our customers as an additional portfolio topic, turning reliability in testing one of our main differentiating factors.

Atos Worldline is also interested in reducing complexity and delivery time, without affecting quality and even trying to improve it, as our clients pushes us with increasingly shorter delivery times. ElasTest allows you to optimize the testing period, focus on relevant topics and deliver products with better quality. Increasing quality and reducing the time to market will provide a differential value that will allow us to be more competitive in the implementation of software projects.

We don’t want to embrace a testing product like ElasTest without being sure that will really provide value to our processes. So, in order to ensure ElasTest fits for us we took a scientific approach towards measuring the value added by ElasTest. Therefore, quasi-experiments (controlled experiments) have been carried out during the testing phase of ElasTest that have allowed to verify, on the one hand, the increase of the productivity, efficiency and reusability in the testing phase of a project; and on the other hand, the increase and improvement in the levels of scalability, robustness and security.

The current version of ElasTest includes the latest adaptations made as a result of quasi-experiments, improvements that not only add value in the analysis, execution and validation of the tests; but also allow us to optimize the usability of ElasTest in automatic Testing and manual Testing, track the tests, allowing to see the detail of progress and status, and monitor the performance of the systems tested.

Atos Worldline is currently testing its own large set of web and mobile projects to verify the behavior of the ElasTest platform. Specifically, the last quasi-experiment has been carried out on two real, complex systems that are currently in production and belong to two Atos Worldline’s customers:

  • An Online supermarket, and its corresponding e-commerce platform.
  • A communication platform for sending messages and notifications to apps on mobile devices.

Among other aspects, testing such applications provides the challenge of validating their behavior under many different software configurations. The improvements introduced in ElasTest have allowed manual testing of all the features provided in the version to validate both systems. ElasTest allows the execution of manual tests and integrate into a single platform all the information necessary for its execution:

  • Visualization of the description of the test cases with all their steps.
  • Online logs display.
Logs are displayed online during the test execution
  • Online metrics display: memory consumption, CPU usage, …
  • Video recording of the executed test cases and recording of the result and comments.
Video recordings are available for all the test cases, as long as metrics and logs gathered during the test case execution
  • Follow-up of the test plan.
  • Browser selection and browser version on which it should be executed.
Your test plan is presented, and several browsers and versions can be selected for the test

Having all this information during the tests allowed Atos Worldline to optimize the testing time and allows to gain agility in the analysis of errors, which should result in a decrease in the Time-to-market and an increase in the guarantees in the tests carried out.

Therefore, Atos Worldline plays a key role in the project with more than 10 years of experience in the mobility sector and more than 100 people dedicated exclusively to the design, development and testing of applications. Taking into account the applications of Atos Worldline, the set of high level requirements to which ElasTest currently covers, are:

  • Select different browsers and versions for test plan execution;
  • Record / execute some steps automatically so as to perform regressions or exploratory testing more easily;
  • Define test cases using the TestLink_ tool;
  • Execute manual test cases in different versions of browser;
  • Automatically execute test cases concurrently for performance testing;
  • Automatically execute basic security tests;
  • Improve the cloud deployment integration;
  • Monitor external SuTs;
  • Orchestrate tests (sequential and/or parallel)

In a forecoming post we will talk about one of the newest additions: cross-browser tests!, which allow testing in parallel in different browsers and browser versions. On the roadmap we also have Mobile Testing, which allows validating mobile applications, in different: operating systems, versions of operating systems, types of devices, sizes of devices. This extreme diversity makes testing to be complex and difficult to manage. Using ElasTest we plan to minimize these problems increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of mobile testing processes.

The overall objective of ElasTest is to put in your hands an integral, open-source, testing platform covering many of the functionalities that can only be exploited by devoting long hours to configure several tools together. A platform that can be used in complex and diverse environments and therefore, ultimately, that can be used in most projects.




Easing end-to-end #testing. Improving the #quality of large software systems. Reducing time-to-market and testing costs. https://elastest.io/.