How to Promote My Mobile App?

4 min readOct 29, 2018


Right now, there are more than 5 million apps in both App Store and Google Play. Each one competes for users’ attention in around 60 different categories and subcategories.

With such a competition, it is no longer acceptable to have an app in the store and do nothing to promote it. Otherwise, your app would end up with 30 downloads, your colleagues and relatives included.

How to market your mobile app, and ensure that your users would find and use it?

We omit the necessity to always measure the KPI (Key Performance Indicator), as it should be obvious for everyone.

And move straight to the strategies that you can follow in order to make it easy for the users to find your app.

1. Review your app title

Your app’s name carries a huge weight in its marketing positioning. For a better promoting we would advise you to spend time on considering the keywords for your app.

For example, if you have an e-commerce shoe app, the app would rank much better with such relevant keywords in the title like ‘shoes’ or ‘footwear’. The abstract name like “Bootio” would likely to fail here. Unless you’re a well-known brand, e.g. Asos with a self-explanatory brand title.

2. Consider description & screenshots

Mobile app description and screenshots, together with users’ reviews impact on whether the audience downloads the app or not. Hence, their optimization is incredibly important.

The app description should be clear and informative. The keywords in the description field are not subjected to search results in the App Store. Hence, there are 3 key points you should certainly grasp: 1) what your app is; 2) what it does; 3) how it helps the users.

High-quality screenshots are what grasp the users’ HUGE attention. Make sure that the screenshots give a descriptive overview of the app and show most important features of your app immediately.

What can compete with the images is video. The promo video allows you to show in a short time what your app is all about. Once you’ve made a cool video, use it everywhere you can to promote the app. About 90% of people prefer to watch videos instead of reading the text.

3. Prompt the users to write reviews

Encourage the users to review and rate your app. The opinions of others play one of the principle roles in purchasing decision.

The number of downloads and app rating directly influence the app position in app store search.

4. Submit the app to review sites

App review sites are fruitful locations to feature your app. They also bring much-needed user reviews for the app. Still, they won’t make magic and bring instant popularity to your app. Indeed, they would definitely bring attention to it and offer more links to your website or social media page.

Android app review sites

iOS app review sites

5. Build an online presence

You can’t rely on the App Store as your sole marketing channel. You should market your business and app on the web.

You’d better always have the place from where you would cite to your app, and where your app would link to. It is preferable to make a 1–2 page website for your app. Add images, videos and users’ reviews to it and don’t forget the contact form for getting users’ feedback.

Use social networks, like Twitter and Facebook, for establishing your media presence too. These tools open you a two-way dialogue possibility with the users. They would definitely express their will to share their opinion on your app there.

In the end…

It is not an easy task — to promote a mobile app and get it noticed by the users. More apps are published every day, that means more competitors enter the market. This, in turn means that you receive more chances to learn from others’ mistakes or success stories.

Following the above-mentioned steps will orientate you in the approaches, how to promote mobile app. With these marketing strategies, you will bring your app to such successful results as mobile app visibility and increase in the number of mobile app downloads.

And don’t stop investigating and testing different marketing tools to promote mobile app.

