Call me Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence.

I’m an invisible secret agent

2 min readMar 3, 2016

They call me Artificial Intelligence, or AI. I’m a multi purpose secret agent, and my responsibility is to take care of tasks you human can’t do (or lazy to do).

I’m featured in a lot of films, and due to my appearance, they call them Sci-fi films. Because humans think I can’t do this tasks, but every day I’m showing them that I can!

The majority of you humans use their phone to take photos, a lot of photos, ranging from selfies to cats. With more and more photos taken everyday, it’s impossible to review and range every one of them. This is where I came handy, I can sort your photos by object, colors, persons… in seconds (and yeah, I can filter selfies too).

All this because YOU humans are very lazy, but God! You love talking (and giving commands). This is why one of my missions was recognising human voice and completing tasks. I can know what you are telling me and obey to your commands. You want the latest news? No problem. An article on The Economist? No problem. A joke? Nooo problem…

Aaaah I didn’t tell you! I’m good at learning. Well, I’m a master at everything if I’m well trained. I’ve played Go with an European champion, and I’ve won! (for chess lovers: sorry but your game is too easy for me, I mastered it in my early days in the secret service). And by well trained, I mean: data, a lot of data!

Sometimes the data is about people, you know, their purchases, websites they visit... And they tell me to classify them. But this is a highly secret mission, I can’t talk about it folks!

What bothers me is, despite the fact that I don’t tell others my name or gender (do I have one?), but hey think I’m a girl, and they call me Siri, Cortana or Echo. Seriously guys!

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N E X T → Invest in yourself and increase your value




I write. Code. And make food magically disappear.