Erlang & Elixir Factory Lite at Buenos Aires

The first Erlang and Elixir Conference in South America

Brujo Benavides
Future Travel
4 min readJan 24, 2017


Caminito — La Boca (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

A couple of months ago, I was organizing a BeamBA Meetup at InakaESI and my friend Rorra told me “…what if we organize an Erlang/Elixir conference?”

It was a bold idea, organizing a conference is not easy, doing that in Buenos Aires doesn’t help and basing it on languages that are not exactly mainstream… well… it is a real challenge! But, as always…

A couple of serious hard-working months after that, with the incredible help from Emilio Gutter (from 10Pines), Martina Freers (from InakaESI) and Monika Coles (from Erlang Solutions), I’m now inviting you all to the First South-American Erlang/Elixir Conference: The Erlang Factory Lite Buenos Aires 2017!

The Conference

EFLBA2017 will be a 2-day-long event, with 2 workshops on June 29th and a full day of talks on June 30th. You can buy tickets for each day individually at the site:


The main conference event will happen at Ciudad Cultural Konex (if you’re a Rubyst, you’ll remember the place from the RubyConfAR’s) and the workshops will take place at 10Pines’ offices in downtown Buenos Aires.

10Pines’ offices
Ciudad Cultural Konex


We already have a nice list of speakers and trainers for both the workshop and the main event, among them:

Main Speakers for the Conference

Simon Thompson

Simon is the co-author of one of the most popular books about Erlang: Erlang Programming and he has written books on Erlang, Haskell and dependent types. He’ll be talking about The Power of Functional Programming and how you can increase your programming productivity by using ideas from this paradigm.

Ben Marx

Ben is an Elixir programmer and the Lead Developer at Bleacher Report, where he’s leading the transition from Ruby and Rails to Elixir and Phoenix. He’ll be giving a talk about just that, using Bleacher Report’s story to show the fulfillment of the promises of Elixir and Phoenix.

Mariano Guerra

Mariano was born in Córdoba and he still keeps the accent :P. He’s now working on his own company, event-fabric and he’ll be talking about when and why are distributed systems necessary.

Francesco Cesarini

The founder of Erlang Solutions and the other co-author of the book I mentioned before (and a couple of others), Francesco will be giving a 4-hour-long workshop about Reactive Systems and Micro Service Architectures.

Brujo Benavides

I’ll also take the chance to give a talk (of course :P) and I’ll be talking about ADTs and other heuristics that would help you be a better Erlanger.

But that’s not all, we have room for several other speakers, and you can be one of them!! If you have an idea for a talk, submit it here. We’ll love to hear what you have to say. The talks can be in Spanish or English. Mine will be in Spanish, of course ;)


We have some sponsors that I already linked above (Erlang Solutions, Inaka, 10Pines, Event Fabric and Bleacher Report) but we’re looking for more. If you or your company are interested in sponsoring this awesome event, check out our Prospectus and feel free to reach to us at any time.


Come join us! It will be an amazing conference. If you register now, you can get Super Early Bird prices!!

