ElDar M. Razumeyko
2 min readNov 15, 2016


Black Lives Matter demonstration, Union Square, NY.

Yet again the world spins a seemingly no-brainer, anyone-with-a-conscience-will-agree issue into a debated, controversial topic.

What started from a couple of Facebook exchanges and a hashtag quickly spiraled into hundreds of demonstrations across the globe, and all that entails.

People accuse these protesters of being unfounded insinuators of violence, merely a force whose aim is chaos; while also ignoring the presence of racial and socioeconomic prejudice.

The issue has gotten hot enough to deserve a counterculture, whether from the #AllLivesMatter or #BlueLivesMatter camps. Apparently a trail of unjustified police brutality cases that appeared to disproportionately affect black lives, was in no way registering for a substantial number of humans on this earth.

However, I think the main takeaway from all this isn’t whether people are dying for systemic reasons but that when people are approached by seemingly insignificant ideas, if they resonate things happen.

Enough people all over social media saw stories from people who felt devastated by recent events and were able to empathize to a degree of building a powerful movement that has opened a lot of eyes from varying directions to existing problems.

We’re seeing precedent for the way change is organized in our political environment. Whether it’s hashtags that become a movement or tweets from a Presidential Candidate that get them elected, social media is growing as a vehicle of change.

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