Top 10 Ways to Use ChatGPT Code Interpreter

6 min readJul 21, 2023


Code Interpreter has definitely arrived to change the way we usually do our tasks. While many already know that this ChatGPT plugin is very adept at Data Analysis, I want to show you 10 incredible ways for you to use it today

Without further ado, let’s get started..

1. Create QR Code

Code Interpreter can help us generate QR codes for different websites in a matter of seconds.

For this example, I will take the link from my Medium page

Step 1: Generate Prompt

Prompt : “Create a QR code to send people to my website [link]”


Now you can scan the QR code and access it directly!

2. Interactive 3D Mapping

If we have geographic reference data (for example latitude, longitude, and altitude), we can use Code Interpreter to create very visual 3D charts.

I am sharing the link of the dataset used for this example

Step 1: Upload Dataset and Generate Prompt

Prompt: “Draw an interactive 3d surface map from this [data file] and output a downloadable [html] file”

You can ask ChatGPT for the download format you need


3. Visual Word Cloud

Within text analysis (songs, tweets, movies, books, and more) that we could represent graphically, we have the option of a Word Cloud. In that sense, Code Interpreter is going to help us with this task

Step 1: Generate Prompt

Prompt: Can you write me [enter text to parse], then make a word cloud?


4. Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

With this option, we can upload a file and ask it to transcribe all the content, and we can also ask questions about it.

For this example, we will use the following

Step 1: Upload Dataset and Generate Prompt

Prompt: “1) OCR the text in this [attached file] 2) Tell me about the possible context that could have been written and the tone used?”



5. Time Series Range Sliders & Selectors

We can also create charts that have more dynamics and that allow us to filter and select ranges of data that we need to analyze or visualize quickly.

For this example, we will continue using the “Life Expectancy” dataset (see in example 02 the link so you can work on this example). Keep in mind that you can load any dataset you want to analyze into ChatGPT

Step 1: Upload Dataset and Generate Prompt

Here we ask it to create a time series chart by selecting certain countries. In addition, we ask it to download the chart in an html file (you can choose another format)

Prompt: From the file choose [United States of America, China and India] and create a time series with range slider and selectors? Output of a downloadable file in [html]. Includes a different color for each of the [countries]


6. Data Analyst

Code Interpreter offers the option of analyzing data with multiple fields dynamically. But also, you could use it to provide you with findings that are not so obvious at first glance. This will give you an additional overview in just a few seconds.

For this example, we continue working with the “Life Expectancy” dataset (you can find the link in example 02 of this story to download it from Kaggle)

Step 1: Upload Dataset and Generate Prompt

Prompt: “Find [5] unexpected, non-obvious insights from this data and offer plausible explanations for them. For the most interesting observation provide a compelling and clear visualization”


7. Math Problems

Considering that Code Interpreter has the Optical Character Recognition option (see example 4 of the story), we can use it to solve mathematical problems. Now you can take a picture of a math book or website and have ChatGPT help you solve it.

Let’s take the following equation (image format)

Step 1: Upload Dataset and Generate Prompt


8. MP4 of Graphs

If you’ve ever thought about converting a series of charts into videos or wanted to give them more dynamism or movement, now with Code Interpreter it’s possible to take all those charts and convert them into an MP4 format video.

For this example, we continue working with the “Life Expectancy” dataset (you can find the link in example 02 of this story to download it from Kaggle)

Step 1: Upload Dataset and Generate Prompt

Prompt: “Can you make a [256x256] mp4, that gradually revels the lines as they progress on the x axis?”



But what if you now want to transform that video into another format, such as GIF. It’s no problem for ChatGPT, as we’re going to write the following prompt and perform that transformation

Prompt: “please convert the previous [video] to [gif] format”

And these would be the results:

10. Venn Diagrams

While the answers that ChatGPT provides in text format are great, with Code Interpreter we can capture all that text in graphical representations like a Venn Diagram. It’s very useful if we want common points from various topics

Step 1: Generate Prompt

Prompt: “Create a [Venn] diagram with [Artificial Intelligence, World War II and Poverty] as main topics”



  1. Code Interpreter is a useful tool for tasks such as writing code, creating graphic presentations, making videos, and more
  2. The time saved when using ChatGPT is significant, however, it’s recommended to supervise both the prompts we make and the responses it provides
  3. This tool isn’t here to replace humans but to simplify or provide us with alternatives (sometimes faster) that help us make decisions

If you liked this content, I recommend that you check out the other stories I wrote about AI and ChatGPT. A big hug and blessings!




Content Creator and Passionate about Teaching How to Use Technologies in Our Everyday Life | Data Scientist