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Redemption Song. My Journey From A Boy To A Man.

Eldon Smith
5 min readJul 6, 2023

I’m sitting in the back of a Jefferson County Sheriff’s patrol car, resigned to my fate. I’m going to jail. This was supposed to be one of the best days of my life, and it started that way.

So, how did I get here?

Well, it all started 8 years earlier.

I was just a sophomore when I began selling drugs. At first, it was just a little pot to my classmates, but 8 years later, I had graduated from a little pot to now selling meth along with marijuana and I was moving it all through South Georgia.

But on this particular day, I was at the Macon Coliseum Hospital celebrating the birth of my firstborn.

Due to complications with the pregnancy, his mom had already been in the hospital for several days. There wasn’t a lot I could do, so I decided to make this a business trip.

From my house to the hospital was just over 2 hours. I could go from town to town, making drop-offs and pick-ups along the way. Drop off a package here, pick up some money there, wash, rinse, and repeat until it was time to have the baby.

Finally, that day was here. I had pockets full of money, a healthy baby boy, and my girl. What more could a young man ask for? Felt like my life was culminating the perfect picture.



Eldon Smith

I'm a Writer, Storyteller and the CEO of Wealth In Wisdom LLC, a company designed to pass wisdom through the art of storytelling.