Deactivate Facebook Account — Facebook Account Deactivation | Deactivate My Facebook Account

E Learners
2 min readMar 11, 2021
Deactivate Facebook Account – Facebook Account Deactivation | Deactivate My Facebook Account

Do you want to Deactivate your Facebook Account? The internet, especially the social media platforms is a large space to explore which looks to make the world smaller as it connects people with others from different parts of the world.

Facebook is at the top of the list of these social media platforms because it is considered the most popular of them all. However, the buzz from social media as a whole can get a little too much, and as such you may want to take a break or even permanently deactivate your account.
Deactivate Facebook Account
Deactivating your Facebook account permanently also called permanently deleting a Facebook account is quite different from taking a break or temporarily deactivating your account in the sense that in the case of the latter, you can always come back to reactivate your Facebook account but for permanent deactivation, you have no recovery option. What you have is a 30 days break (formerly 2 weeks) which you can change your mind and after this period your Facebook account will be permanently deleted.
What Happens when you Deactivate your Facebook Account
Before you go ahead to deactivate your Facebook account permanently you have to be certain that that is what you want to do because once the 30 days grace period elapses, you can no more retrieve any deleted data.

