Running for Snohomish County Council

Louis Harris
4 min readFeb 27, 2019

Friends —

I’m running for Snohomish County Council because I believe in our ability to build together. As many of my friends and family know, I aspire to represent people- to champion the issues we each care about and to lend a voice to those too often excluded.

Snohomish County has always been special to me: it’s where I was raised, it’s where I work, and it’s my home. The past decade has given me a new appreciation for this place though. I’ve stood up to hate, building bridges as the Vice President of the Snohomish County NAACP. I’ve modernized an organization and felt a blue wave as the Chair of the Snohomish County Young Democrats. And, most importantly, I’ve grown close with hundreds of my neighbors: learning about their struggles and watching as they meet them with perseverance and hope. The people are what make this place special, they- and you- are what inspire me to roll up my sleeves and tackle our toughest challenges.

I’ve stayed in touch with the communities I serve. Working at Everett Community College I established after-school programs for local schools serving a majority of low-income students. I’ve measured the impact of support programs on these students, and I’ve carried on that work through the NAACP’s Youth Development Program, and advocating for students of color in the establishment the Regional Apprenticeship Program.

In serving our most vulnerable populations as an eligibility specialist with the Washington Department of Social and Health Services, I’ve seen the challenging conditions too many of our neighbors face. I’ve seen how healthcare, housing, and access to employment can all work to make, or destroy lives. I’ve learned to be a voice for them, and am committed to making our county work for them too.

My commitment to solving the issues of the county are grounded in my approach to governing. Whether tackling transportation, housing, economic development, homelessness, or the budget, these are my guiding principles:

Inclusion is a prerequisite to good governing.

My aim is to bring equitable progress. We must include all voices and welcome all ideas, even when they’re different than our own. As a community leader, I’ve worked to ensure all voices are heard, and positions considered, bridging government and community perspectives.

As we enter a decade of change and challenges, it’s crucial that we’re listening to everyone. I believe this philosophy of leadership will help us address the next decade of growth with community and business support.

Ensuring the safety and health of our community will always be a top priority.

Snohomish County is a beautiful place, and I want to keep it that way. Our streets should be clean, and our neighborhoods should be safe.

As a community advocate, I’ve worked with first responders, community organizations, and healthcare providers to ensure that residents choose Snohomish County as a preference, not a necessity.

Our challenges with crime and opioid addiction are continual opportunities for deploying proven practices that promote wellbeing for our most challenged residents. I believe that our strength as a county relies on this, and our approach to these issues will define us.

Collaboration and Innovation lead to a stronger, more diverse economy.

Our county should be an example others turn to. Through collaborative partnerships with our county’s businesses and nonprofits, we can create a robust atmosphere that attracts more opportunities to the county.

I am committed to innovative policies that promote economic growth. When our businesses are healthy so are our communities, and when our communities are healthy, we grow.

It’s for these reasons I’m seeking election to the Snohomish County Council (Position #2). I look forward to telling you more about my platform in the coming weeks, but for now, I leave you with this:

This campaign is bigger than me, it has to be if we want to win. I’m counting on you to stay engaged and be involved so that together, we can win. It will take your support and our combined energy to make this happen. I look forward to seeing you out in the community.

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Louis Harris

Community Advocate, Emerging Leader, Candidate for Snohomish County Council. “With inclusion as our foundation, building together is our opportunity.”