How to Clean a Bicycle Chain

Ebike review
4 min readSep 11, 2023

Why do bicycle chains need to be cleaned regularly?
Why do you need to clean your bike chain regularly? It comes down to two main reasons: performance and longevity.

The chain on a mountain bike or gravel bike that is always on dirt will accumulate more dirt than a road bike that is only ridden on asphalt. The type and quality of lubrication used will also play an important role.

Grit on the chain creates friction, which affects the comfort of pedaling and shifting gears. In the long run, the buildup of grit will wear down the chain and damage it, which means it will have to be repaired or replaced sooner than would be the case with regular maintenance.

What kind of cleaner should I use?
Again, this question causes a lot of disagreement in the cycling community and essentially depends on personal preference.

Many will opt for a good-quality degreaser or specialist chain cleaner, but some will say that these solutions are too harsh and will remove too much lubrication from the inner workings of the chain links.

An alternative is to use a bucket of warm water mixed with a few drops of liquid cleaner or soap, which is usually enough to remove dirt from the surface of the chain.

Should I remove the chain before cleaning?
For those who take riding and maintenance seriously, it’s best to remove the chain first and then scrub it carefully. However, most chains are not designed to be easily removed, and this method requires more effort and mechanical knowledge than the average person.

This is especially true for e-bikes and hybrid bikes, which include electronics and housings around the drivetrain, as well as a chain that isn’t as accessible as a traditional bike.

For most people, leaving the chain open is perfectly acceptable, and you can still achieve a thorough cleaning.

What’s the best way to clean a bike chain?

Most of the common techniques are effective, it’s just a matter of deciding which one works best for you and your setup. The following methods are recommended as they are flexible, easy to apply, and can be used on most bike types, including e-bikes and hybrids.

How does a chain scrubber work?
Probably the easiest and least messy way to clean your chain while it’s still on your bike is to use a device called a chain scrubber. It’s a gadget that attaches to your chain and has a reservoir that you fill with the cleaning solution of your choice.

When backed up, the chain passes through the rotating brushes in the scrubber, removing grit and sludge from it and delivering the cleaning solution to the moving parts. Most of the dirt ends up collecting in the scrubber’s chamber, and once the job is done, the dirty water can simply be dumped out.

For best results, the scrubber can be filled with some clean, soapy water and the process of backing the chain through the unit can be repeated. The second run should eliminate any gritty residue left behind and the bike chain can then be wiped with a clean, dry cloth.

In addition to traditional bikes such as mountain bikes, road bikes, and gravel bikes, chain scrubbers can also be used on most e-bikes and hybrid bikes, which makes them a good choice. It is recommended that you consult with the manufacturer before using a scrubber on an e-bike to ensure compatibility.

Can I clean the chain with a bucket of soapy water or degreaser?
Yes, this can be done through the chain on or off the bike. Simply fill a bucket with warm water, add a cleaner of choice (whether it’s a liquid kitchen cleaner, degreaser, or another bike cleaner), and scrub the chain with a stiff-bristled brush.

When you’re done, perform a second inspection with a clean cloth and fresh, soapy water and the chain should look very clean. As always, finish the job by drying the chain thoroughly and applying a high-quality lubricant to each link.

Is a simple wipe-down enough?
For bike owners who aren’t too concerned about keeping their chain clean and tidy, in most cases, simply wiping it down with a clean cloth after a ride will suffice.

This method will still keep the chain in relatively good working order and extend its life, provided there is not a lot of dirt and a good quality lubricant is applied to the chain after each ride and wipe.

