Michael Kelly
1 min readSep 19, 2016


Also get outside, go experience real life in the real world. Here’s some of the things I could write about this week:

  1. The great bee genocide.
  2. Battles with the gopher family.
  3. I was trying to listen, but a deer was licking my hair.
  4. The chainsaw always wins.
  5. Linda the ewe who wouldn’t die.
  6. Poetry about lizards.

I don’t have writer’s block, I have writer’s flood. If you notice who the great writers were, they were people who got outside of the cities. People who did real shit, of course they also read good books. The great writers like Steinbeck . . . lived and worked alongside migrant farm workers, sardine fishermen, cannery fish-cutters, hobos and whores. That guy wasn’t just navel gazing, he was doing real shit.

Norman Maclean, grew up in a rough and tumble mining town, worked in forestry. We study the works of these great writers.

There are many more degrees of freedom at the boundaries. If you live in a comfy city, where everything is well planned, coffee is right across the street 24 hours a day, there will be no surprises, nothing new will happen, there are no degrees of freedom.

Read good books, but also get outside and live a good life. Live an interesting life, interesting stories will pour out of your pen.



Michael Kelly

Retired from electronics and working on a geology degree. I want to be an Explorationist when I grow up.