Electrical Ware House
2 min readJul 8, 2016

Five Top Tips for Using Social Media as an Electrical Business

- Use Instagram to document your work

It’s one thing to talk about the quality of your work, it’s another thing to be able to document it by posting an image or two from jobs that you’re really proud of. There’s a reason why the famous phrase states that “a picture’s worth a thousand words” and if this is done well, it can really help potential customers visualise the quality of work you could do for them.

- Use LinkedIn to connect with potential clients and employees

LinkedIn is one of the most effective social media platforms designed specifically for work purposes. Easy to use, well presented and in-depth, it’s a great environment for you to present the qualities of your businesses. You can select the skills and qualities you’re known for and individual clients can endorse you on that quality which may then appear in searches for well thought of electricians. It’s also a place you can look for potential new employees as many individuals effectively list much of their CV through their LinkedIn profile.

- Use YouTube to introduce yourself and your business

These days, you no longer need an entire film crew to put together a decent little promo video for your business. A simple handheld camera, or even a smartphone, can been used to create a short video communicating a little bit of who you are and the ethos and capabilities of your business. YouTube is a great place to upload this, with people then able to share it on via other social media platforms, and you can also embed it on your own website.

- Use Facebook to engage your customer base

Facebook business pages can take many different forms. Some use it to show a lighter and more humorous side of their business, others use it purely as a means of promoting their offers, products and services. We’re probably all aware that Facebook is the most used social media network in the world, so however you choose to use it, be aware that it has the potential to engage the most people. Maybe share a variation of things; images and written content, making statements but also asking questions, maybe even offering quotes for work via Facebook if you want to utilise it for that.

- Use Twitter to network and to follow industry news

Both the biggest strength and biggest challenge of Twitter is its brevity. Being limited to 140 characters limits what you can say, but these days many won’t want to read much more than that from a business anyway. Twitter is entirely customisable; the sort of information you will receive will depend entirely on who you are following. You can use it to follow news sites that post news on electrical topics and as well as posting about your work (with Instagram, Facebook and Twitter all able to be linked) and networking with potential clients, you can also follow your competitors to see what they’re up to!


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