6 Printed Products That Will Help You Build Your Business Identity

Electro Image
4 min readApr 11, 2017


Every communication potential customers have with your company is part of the advertising process. From your social media posts to your letterhead, everything you use helps build your business’s identity, define your brand, and change the way customers see you.

Whether you’re in the process of building your brand or are simply establishing yourself as a pivotal member of your industry, you need these printed products to help build your business identity and shape public perception about your business, your products, and your services.

  1. Your Logo

A custom-designed logo can make a big difference in the public perception of your company. By the time they’re just eight years old, children can match familiar logos with businesses they know about. Adults naturally connect logos with the brands that they represent — and those logos say a lot about the brands in question.

While most people don’t put a lot of time and energy into picking apart a logo, your designer should put plenty of effort into creating it. That logo will help define the things that matter most to your business, from the colors that help reflect your brand “personality” to the images that help define your purpose.

2. Business Cards

Do business cards still matter in today’s highly digital society? According to the experts, they’re still just as important as ever. While you can certainly share your information with industry contacts digitally (whether through email, social media, or texting), a printed business card adds a personal touch.

Not only that, business cards are a great physical marketing tool that interested customers can take along with them for later reminders or share with friends with ease. By sharing business cards with your customers, you help spread the word about your business in a tangible way.

3. Letterhead

Your business has plenty of opportunities to connect with customers and business partners through printed communication. Adding your letterhead to those communications improves the first impression people have of your business, increasing your professional appearance and enhancing your brand identity.

Like your logo, your letterhead says a great deal about your business. It should be carefully crafted in order to ensure that customers and business partners get the right impression when they communicate with your business.

Your letterhead also provides a valuable source of contact information. Many people don’t keep letters with the envelope they came in, and if they’ve lost the way to contact your business, your letterhead allows them to easily regain it.

4. Quality Print Advertisements

Direct mail is an excellent source of advertising for many local businesses. It’s a thriving opportunity to market their business in a way that will be sure to catch the eye of interested customers. When you offer your customers a deal that they can’t resist through direct mail, they’re much more likely to come into your store. This may include:

  • Postcards that offer a coupon that can only be acquired through this mailing
  • Brochures or flyers that offer a look at the latest must-have products at your company
  • Postcards that share a reminder that it’s time for a visit to your company: a regular oil change, an annual cleaning, or anything else that will remind customers that it’s been too long since the last time they were in contact with you

Mailers don’t have to be complicated in order to catch the attention of your customers. In fact, simple is often best. Showcase your best products or sales in order to reel in the customer’s attention. Then, bring them into your business or direct them to your website, where they can pursue their interest in more depth.

5. Loyalty Cards

These days, it seems as though every store has a loyalty card. These cards allow customers to receive deals or discounts that other patrons aren’t offered. They also serve another purpose: they allow you to track customers within your system so that you can offer them the deals that are most likely to appeal to them.

Personalized advertising is the name of today’s marketing game. By offering loyalty cards to your customers that will allow you to track their purchases, you get a step up in the personalization game, from knowing what products your customers are purchasing to understanding when they are most likely to visit your business.

6. Professionally Printed Forms

It seems easy enough to print off your own forms. After all, you can run them on your printer just as easily, can’t you? Professionally printed forms, however, allow you to create an additional layer of professional appearance. From two-copy forms that allow you to quickly peel off a copy for your customers’ records, to three-copy forms that allow you to place copies in different files to make it easier to meet your business’s needs, professionally printed forms look better for both you and your customers — not to mention removing the need for your customers to fill out the same information several times.

Despite the flood of new digital marketing opportunities available today, print media is still as effective and important as ever. By choosing the right print media for your business, you put the correct foot forward and ensure a professional appearance that will make it easier for you to connect with your customers. These six printed products will increase your business success by helping you to build a strong and appealing business identity.

Originally published at electroimagellc.com on April 11, 2017.



Electro Image

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