How to build 8 LED with 74HC595 with Arduino — Microdaz Blog

Ivan June
2 min readSep 11, 2021


74HC595is a type of Shift Register, and it is the most famous among all. As there are limited I/O pins in most microcontrollers, there will come a time that you’ll run out of pins and this is where the Shift Register comes in handy as it helps expand the number of I/O pins in your Arduino Uno.

Using 3 input pins, The 74HC595 can substantially control eight separate output pins.

In this lesson, you will learn how to use a 74HC595 with Arduino and control 8 RGB leds.

Let’s Start!

STEP 1: Get the following components:

STEP 2: Placing the components to the breadboard.

STEP 3: Uploading the 74hc595 Arduino Code.

  • Press the Upload button to send the codes to your Arduino board.
  • After you upload the codes, you will see the LEDs light up one by one.


Originally published at on September 11, 2021.

