Electronic Platinum [EPL] Presentation

Electronic Platinum
2 min readApr 24, 2018


We are glad to present to you our vision, our project on medium. We want to start with a simply presentation. #Swissmade $EPL

Reduce the boundaries between the real and the virtual ”

The aim of this project is to implement a technological revolution, which will create a bridge between the real economy and the new economy, often mistakenly called a ‘virtual economy’. Indeed, what is identified as ‘virtual’ is already present in our daily lives. EPL’s main objective is to value platinum in our currency, the metal in which we have as much confidence as gold, if not more.

Combined with the Blockchain technology, platinum will allow all owners of EPL to keep a foot in the real world while taking advantage of the cryptocurrency market. This assurance of the concrete material and the possibility to pay our purchases with it is at the heart of our project.

After extensive analysis and research, we have unequivocally opted for platinum. Unlike gold and silver, platinum does not suffer from demand-related variations. As an indication, it can be noted that this volume of variance is equivalent to 10% of the demand for silver and 1% of the demand for gold.

Its low exposure makes it an asset as strong as it is stable, and above all, particularly underestimated by the general public. Its strong potential (giving back power to this unique metal in the world) is a lever as safe as it is concrete. This metal will not oxidize, it is considered essential in times of war and peace, and it will be exhausted by 2064.

Blockchain technology allows us to make this metal accessible and usable. This is why we created EPL: to generate an alliance between a very precious metal and the guarantee of foolproof stability (crash, illusory variations, etc.) with a very real stock. 100% Swiss.

Website : www.electronicplatinum.ch

Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/GBThlk82Pmo5nXlEvqwvzw

Twitter : https://twitter.com/ePlatinum_swiss

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2723915.0

Don’t hesitate to share your opinion, currently, we haven’t a lot of opinions on our thread Bitcointalk, we are working for a better visibility for $EPL, thanks.

