Here you’ll find information and the difference between Minting and sweeping your dragons.

Elemento Dragons
1 min readSep 25, 2022


When you mint your Elemento Dragons you’ll be able to change its name and add a bio of your own to it.

Every minted Elemento Dragons will become a Digital Card.

For every 3 dragons you mint you’ll receive one for free, to claim your free Dragon please open a support ticket in our discord. You must mint 3 at once. Seperate purchases won’t Count.

Each Minted Dragon will be a raffle ticket to enter the 100k Prize Pool giveaway. (Your Free Dragons will be eligible)

When you reach 21+ minted dragons you’ll be able to create 1 of 1 dragon.


Every 2 dragons you sweep 🧹 you’ll be able to claim a 3rd for free. Once you sweep your 2 dragons open a support ticket in our discord to verify and claim your free dragon.

When staking begins every dragon is dividend. Minted and Swept dragons are eligible. Only requirement is they need to be held for 30 days. Any listed dragons wont be eligible.

What to look for:

Rainbow attributes, each dragon you have that has this attribute will be eligible for a Free mint of our Pfp collection.

Aside of the above, every holder receives 1 free pfp mint.

Make sure to constantly check our discord as we can add more benefits for either minting or sweeping

This is your project, your support will make Elemento Dragons Soar High.

Together, WAGMI

Elemento Dragons Linktree:



Elemento Dragons

Uniquely generated NFTs with 409 traits featuring the beast of the skies, the Mighty DRAGONS in all their elements! Join our family today!