Top 10 Game Boxes with Extra Spacing than Product

Elena Oscar
6 min readJan 6, 2020


Board games have been played since a long time now, not sure when it started but it is obvious that there is no way people are going to stop playing board games, ever. There is one thing that every game free must be annoyed off and that is an oversized cardboard box filled more with air than the game itself.

The packaging industry has revolutionized the market because of advancements in the technology or techniques used and ever-changing trends.

Customization has made it possible for each and everyone to personalize the boxes in the shapes and sizes according to the need of the product. But it is hard to say that in what world these game manufacturers live in that they use cardboard boxes for the games that are double the size than the requirement.

Size of the game boxes is the biggest pet peeves of the customers. How perfect it would be if games come in the minimum amount of packaging that is just necessary to protect the product.

Well, first of all, the actual problem here is that oversized boxes create a misconception about the product, second of all it takes a lot of storage space in the houses and thirdly, it is a waste of material used for game box packaging that results in environmental pollution.

Here comes 10 of the most absurd game packaging that is highly oversized then the product. Without any further ado, let’s see why these games are packed in misfit boxes.

1. Age of War

First of all, age of war is a good game that includes some cards and dices like most of the board games but the box that they come in is the size that can fit ten more of those games very easily

2. A Game of Thrones: Hand of the King

Fantasy flight games make, no doubt, amazing games but there is no need to use 60% more cardboard then it is required. A Game of Thrones: Hand of the King contains few cards and some chips that are sleeves packed to prevent rattling in the box. It is hard to understand that when you are using so much extra of cardboard then it is absurd to waste some more on padding the box.

Does It Really Matter?

No. it doesn’t.

What would have been the best about custom game boxes is the exact size of the game.

3. Kingsburg

What else can a consumer do when these games are so nice and addictive to play but they also cannot do anything about the boxes they come in?

This game has a box that is thrice the size of the game. To the surprise, Kingsburg has custom insert inside the box to keep the products in place, which is not even of the game. That insert appears to have been customized for a completely different game.

How hard is it to make a box that perfectly set to the product especially when you have amazing, latest, and state of the art customization, die-cutting, printing and other techniques that are capable of making the box according to need of the product.

4. Dixit

Coming to Dixit, well it is the winner of packing the product in the box that is thousands of times bigger than the game itself. Well, this huge box contains a small box inside that is exactly the size of the game.

What? Is it the publisher or the manufacturer trying to play with your emotions?

It is hurting.

5. Gulo Gulo

Another game that is very popular and the kids love it but the problem with this game is the same that it comes in a box it should not have.

What Is The Issue With The Manufacturers?

Well, when we see the market and packaging trend, if the companies make the box exactly the size of the game they would decrease there shelf presence in stores.

Customers want to see nice large boxes on self that are noticeable instantly plus big sizes entice them to pay $40 for a board game or else who would buy the box of the size of a hand for that much amount.

6. Caylus: Magna Carta

It is another game that people like to play but the warning is the same as every other board game, box and its size.

This game comes with a few cards, dices, and coins that can perfectly fit into a small box but what the publisher thought was, why not make a box that can be used to make for more boxes out of it.

7. Odin’s Ravens

It is no doubt appreciable that the box opens like a book and give a very nice aesthetic appeal, but it fails in functionality. Unlike other oversized boxes, this one does not even have some kind of insert inside the box that could keep the product in place.

So, it is a big miss!

8. The Walking Dead

How much space does a deck of card and 5 dices take, obviously not a size that can fit six more of the same game?

Yes, you are right!

It is not only the size of the box but the waste of so much cardboard that further causes environmental pollution when used.

It is avoidable with a perfectly fitting custom printed game boxes.

9. Splendor

Coming to another or you can say everyother board game, Splendor is also an epitome of wastage of packing material and the most non-functional packaging.

10. Tides of Madness

Tides of madness is a sequel to tides of time and feature gameplay similar to the design of the old version. This game relatively has better packaging than other board games that have insanely pathetic and non-functional packaging. The box of this game is exactly the size which can fit a card deck, dices, pencil, and a notepad very easily leaving no air inside the box as compared to others.

What use is of custom boxes when you are not fulfilling the needs and requirements of the product effectively?

Packaging plays an important role in creating a strong, powerful, and professional image of the brand in the market among the competitors.

Customers have only one thing to judge the quality of the product and that is a product box, which must be authentic, attractive, captivating, and honest. It can also be said that to increase the aesthetic appeal, shelf presence, and visibility of the product, these boxes are designed this way. You can get game boxes shipping or packaging in the most affordable rates in wholesale without compromising the quality, than any other product that is available in the market.



Elena Oscar

I’m an experienced contributor and Digital Marketer at Pak Boxes. I have completed my graduation from the University of San Francisco.