Sand therapy

The possibilities of healing with the help of hot sand have been known since the time of Ancient Egypt. Gradually, this method of treatment, also called psamotherapy, became independent, enjoying recognition and appreciation

6 min readSep 17, 2022

Hot sand baths

Sand has the ability to stay warm for a long time. During the summer, the sun naturally heats the sand on the seashore up to 60° C. But sand baths can also be done when it is artificially heated up to 40-50° C, in medical salons. The results are optimal. In the whole body, blood circulation and lymph circulation are activated, metabolism intensifies, perspiration becomes abundant, oxygen level increases. The heat helps the muscles to relax. Apart from this, the sand treatment eliminates the pain caused by degenerative joint diseases or osteoporosis. At the moment, sand treatment is very popular in many countries of the world. Psamotherapy is used in physical rehabilitation hospitals, outpatient physical recovery centers, physiotherapy clinics and other medical institutions.

What diseases does it cure?

Psamotherapy is indicated in: lumbar pain, rheumatism, degenerative disorders of the joints and vertebrae, ankylosing spondyloarthritis…




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