How IoT is Disrupting the Future of Mobile Application Development

Elena Mia
3 min readApr 28, 2020


Internet of things is taking on our lives very fast, impacting it in ways never imagined. The modern IoT applications are capable to interact with appliances like air conditioners, oven, alarm clocks, to trucks, and industrial instruments.

It is predicted that by 2025, there will be more than 64 million IoT devices with the IoT market revenue expected to hit the 1 trillion dollar mark showing tons of opportunities for businesses and organizations to invest in this technology.

As mobile devices are a convenient medium of interaction, most IoT application development companies are trying to incorporate this technology in various industry sectors. Being a leading IoT app development company, we have compiled a list of 5 key points why we believe IoT is the future of mobile app development in the years to come.

  1. Connectivity

IoT technology has huge capabilities many of which are still yet to be explored. Speaking of the present time, it holds access to more than 6 billion devices worldwide, and soon we can expect the shift in traditional connecting methods including Bluetooth, cellular, and Wi-Fi.

In the future, we can expect its integration in all industries specific applications with better connecting methods.

2. Seamless Monitoring

With IoT enabled devices, the performance of freights, industrial equipment to solar panels could be monitored with ease. Due to this feasibility, companies can monitor the performance of machines, appliances by looking at the key performance indicators.

This fast monitoring method is not only capable to get the information in real-time but also allows for fast redress of user complaints.

3. Security is Important

The IoT infrastructure is used to connect numerous devices and applications which are prone to data breach issues. IoT application development companies have been keen on towards developing custom IoT applications for businesses that look to integrate their organization’s data in a mobile app only to find out security loopholes.

Hence it is important to use encryption methods and cloud support to ensure the integrity of data is not compromised.

4. Cross-Platform Development

The most preferred native mobile applications in the present day are not best suited for creating IoT applications as they are limited to a certain platform.

We can expect more hybrid applications in the near future enabling developers to build apps in comparatively lesser time than most modern-day IoT apps with a vast range of integration options available.

5. Open Source Development

Another reason why IoT is gaining its prominence so fast is due to it being an open-source platform. It enables developers and companies to share programs openly that enable the beginner developers to create such programs with ease. Moreover, it decreases the IoT application development time by a great deal and if the support from giants Google and Microsoft continue to be like this, we can soon see it in all sorts of devices.

Wrapping Up

IoT is changing the mobile app development industry for the good. Its incorporation with other technologies like Blockchain and Cloud technology apart from others opens up a ton of opportunities to build apps for the future that are more secure, cost-effective, and easy to monitor and connect.

Are you ready to add an IoT app to your business landscape? Contact IoT implementation experts at Damco, a leading IoT app development company.

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