Handling type declarations clash in Typescript

A short story about compilation error based on type declarations with the same names

Elena Sufieva
3 min readFeb 2, 2019

I want to share one interesting case with Typescript modules resolution, which I recently encountered.

We are talking about the application on React and Typescript, currently, we in our company use ts-loader, but earlier we also used awesome-typescript-loader. The problem arose in both cases.

It happened so that in our project two runners are used for tests: Jest and Mocha. Jest drives our unit tests, and Mocha starts programmatically from the code for integration tests on Puppeteer.
Both runners have their own @types/xxx packages installed in devDependencies:

"@types/jest": "20.0.6",
"@types/mocha": "5.2.5",
"jest": "22.4.3",
"mocha": "5.2.0"

As a result of the compilation, I received the following error:

Subsequent variable declarations must have the same type.

The error that occurred during the compilation

After some googling, I found that this error is quite common. Often it happens that two packages of type definitions define global types with the same names: as a result, we have a clash of definitions and compiler complains about it.

This error is common in Typescript projects

There are other reasons, different from my case, for this situation:
- you may have installed the wrong version of @types/xxx for your package and you need to upgrade it;
- you may have installed the same package twice into different folders within node_modules.

Unfortunately, my problem wasn’t related to the wrong version of a package: I couldn’t solve it with different ways suggested in Github issues. These things didn’t work for me:
- point out mochaor jestin the "types" array of the tsconfig.json file;
- set the "paths" for the one or both packages in the tsconfig.json;
- "exclude" these packages in tsconfig.json options.

One thing worked out: skipLibCheck flag that you can set to the compilerOptions in tsconfig.json. It solves the problem but it looks a bit hacky and I don’t like to skip any checks that are set in Typescript by default. My tech lead also didn’t like the idea of skipping type declarations check, so I had to invent something new.

I thought I have tried everything and failed but this advice in one issue saved me. In the project root, I created a folder overrides where I put 2 folders: jest and mocha. As I encountered the error with Mocha types, I copied the index.d.ts file from the node_modules/@types/mocha folder and put it in the newly created overrides/mocha directory. In the overrides/jest folder I created an empty index.d.ts. Then I added one new option to my tsconfig.json:

"compilerOptions": {
"typeRoots": ["overrides", "node_modules/@types"]

It worked! Now I can build the project without compilation errors and avoid skipLibCheck flag as an undesired thing for our config.

Here is the whole tsconfig.json:

Typescript version used for the project: 3.3.0-rc

Jest @types/jest version: 20.0.6

Mocha @types.mocha version: 5.2.5

I hope this article would be useful for your projects but I also hope you won’t face errors like these very often 😉.

