Elephant: a symbol of royalty, prosperity, strength, luck and the removal of obstacles.

Elephant Money Trillionaire

Elephant Money Investor
6 min readAug 26, 2023


I’m an Elephant Money (https://elephant.money/) trillionaire. High five!! The good news is that it is still possible for you to become one too at least for the time being. But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. You are probably asking: What is Elephant Money? What does being an Elephant Money Trillionaire mean? And more importantly: Why should I care? In this article I’ll try to answer these questions in a simple, straightforward way. For a deep dive into Elephant Money go to the main website https://elephant.money/ and to https://wiki.elephant.money/.

What is Elephant Money?

Elephant Money is a cryptocurrency built on the Binance Smart Chain and was launched two years ago in September of 2021. Elephant Money is much more than just a cryptocurrency however. It is a decentralized community bank and is a total game changer when compared to the way people typically relate to banks and their money. The community bank topic will be the subject of another future post — stay tuned!

In Elephant Money there is a fixed supply of 1 quadrillion (that’s 1000 trillion) tokens. Unlike central banks that dilute and devalue their fiat currencies by printing more money when they fail to control their spending, Elephant Money’s supply is fixed and immutable. There never will be 1 Elephant token more or less than 1 quadrillion.

At the time of writing this article on August 25, 2023 at 4:51pm the price of Elephant is $0.00000031 per token. That means that the market cap of Elephant right now is equivalent to $310,000,000. One year ago today on August 25, 2022 the market cap was $97,450,000.

What does being an Elephant Money Trillionaire mean?

Time is running out to accumulate 1 Trillion Elephant Tokens

An Elephant Money Trillionaire is someone who owns 1 Trillion or more Elephant tokens. 1,000,000,000,000 Elephant tokens x $0.00000031 = $310,000. Right now of the 20,557 holders of Elephant Money, 34 own a Trillion or more tokens. You can check out all token holders here. And I’m very fortunate to be one of those 34 holders!

Now you can become an Elephant Money Trillionaire as well but it is getting increasingly more expensive to do so and time is running out because most of the Elephant tokens are getting snatched up. Because the supply of circulating Elephant tokens is becoming scarce, a price shock is occurring and this is causing the price and value of Elephant to go up with increasing velocity. Below is a breakdown of how the 1 quadrillion Elephant tokens are currently distributed:

Elephant Token Distribution: Source: https://x.com/drocksalex2/status/1693798468471443464?s=46

What the above chart shows is that there are four categories of Elephant holders:

  1. The Graveyard — has 50% of the supply locked away and can’t get bigger than 51%. A rebalancing occurs whenever the Graveyard reaches 51% and where 1% of the tokens are released back into the supply. Owning 50% of the supply ensures that the Elephant Money protocol is always the majority shareholder.
  2. The Herd (Holders) — holds 21.5% of the supply. This is you (if you own Elephant), me and the other 20,500+ current holders of Elephant.
  3. Bertha (the Treasury) — has 16.75% of the supply. Bertha is the Elephant Money Treasury. This is truly a genius aspect of the Elephant Money system. The Treasury has a number of functions such as paying out yield and keeping Elephant stable. Bertha helps prevents larger investors from trying to move the Elephant price or otherwise manipulating the system.
  4. Liquidity Pools — the two pools from which you can buy Elephant presently only have 11% of all the Elephant supply still available. That is 110,000,000,000,000 trillion Elephant tokens left! The two pools are the BUSD/Elephant pool and the BNB/Elephant pool. Elephant can be bought on the Elephant.Money website or on Pancake Swap with either BNB or BUSD tokens. Every time Elephant is purchased the number of tokens available shrinks. Recently, the number of Elephant tokens has been decreasing by 2–3 trillion per week! You can do the math! It won’t take long before very little Elephant will be available not to mention the parabolic rise in price that is resulting from this scarcity.

Why should you care?

Purchasing power of fiat currencies are rapidly declining due to money printing.

The main reason why you should care is that the cost of living is rising much faster than the rise in people’s incomes. As inflation, largely caused by central bank money printing, makes things more expensive, you need to own currencies and assets that are increasing or at least retaining their value and not decreasing in value. Unfortunately, the value of money itself is decreasing and national debts are reaching unsustainable levels. We are well past the time where people have to take more responsibility for their financial futures and even become their own bank. Elephant Money is one promising way to make this happen.

I bought more than 1 Trillion Elephant tokens in April of 2022 for around $85,000 USD. The price then was $0.000000085 per Elephant Token. That $85,000 investment is now worth $310,000 today. That is a 360% gain in 15 months. Not bad! What is even more impressive is that over the last 25 days the value of my Elephant token has gone up by 40%! In other words, the gains I have made over the past month happened at a pace which before took more than a year to accomplish. As Elephant becomes more scarce the impact on price is non-linear. It is increasing in speed and going parabolic! At the pace Elephant is moving I think a 10x one year from now is very likely barring some unforeseen black swan event. A 30–50x or more increase is very possible. Mark this post! I’ll come back to it periodically and share how the portfolio is doing.

So you, like most people, are probably thinking: “Hey Buddy, I don’t have $310,000 just sitting around waiting to buy 1 Trillion Elephant tokens!” No problem. Accumulate as much as you can. 1 Billion ($310), 10 Billion ($3,100), 100 Billion ($31,000). If these amounts increase by 10, 30, 50, 100x or more in the next year or two, the gains could be life changing. Check this chart out:

Elephant is outperforming other major asset classes. (Source: https://x.com/nyethewineguy/status/1693955839189528706?s=46)

I’ve been an amateur investor in stocks, options and crypto for about 5 years. I’ve made and lost fortunes during that time. One lesson I’ve learned is that finding and riding one special winner can make all the difference to one’s financial future. Also getting in early helps too. It’s not too late to get into Elephant Money. It is still early in my opinion. While I can’t guarantee that Elephant Money will be one of those special winners, I for one won’t be selling my Elephant any time soon. Come what may, I plan on being an Elephant Money Trillionaire for some time to come.

Join the more than 12,500+ member Elephant Money Herd on Telegram: https://t.me/elephant_money. The group is very friendly and can answer any questions you may have. Also join the Herd on X/Twitter for updates, livestreams and more: https://twitter.com/elephantstatus?s=11

Note: This article is not financial advice. These are my individual opinions. I am not a professional investor or financial advisor. I recommend that you do your own research (DYOR) before investing in Elephant Money or in any other financial instrument. Good luck out there!



Elephant Money Investor

I'm an investor in Elephant.Money--a decentralized cryptocurrency and community bank built on the Binance Smart Chain.