Use Fontise iOS Font Generator to Encrypt Your Life

Gmail, Outlook, Text/SMS, Microsoft Word/Excel, Google Docs/Sheets, iOS/Microsoft/Linux(??)

Ryan Barrett
3 min readNov 28, 2021


Fontise is an iOs app that allows you to convert your handwriting into a usable font. Microsoft Kaizala is another such company, though based on their Wikipedia article,

(Microsoft) doesn’t really have near-term plans for the product.

Regardless, I’m going to focus on converting your handwritten digital text into a font. Below is what my handwriting looks like, using the iOS Fontise app to generate my ‘Ryan font’ on my iPhone 12 Pro (I think).

It took me like 10 minutes from start — app download — to finish — ryan_font.ttf to have my own font available for display on my computer.

Above is the Fontise auto-generated message when deciding if I want to “ULOCK ALL” for $4.99 from the app store. Note: I get an error when I try to unlock all, but you can do everything I discuss here with the free version.

Now let’s assume you’ve done what I did and downloaded the Fontise app, hand-drawn all 98 ASCII/QWERTY symbols, and now you have a font. Unfortunately, there isn’t a universal font data format, though common ones include .ttf and .otf (I want to know more about font data storage types), and Adobe PostScript.

For clarity, I would define “universal” data structures as .csv, .txt, .json, .xml, among others- i.e. they’re generally interpreted the same by any operating system — OS, Mac, Linux — and any device — iPhone, Android, Samsung, Google, etc. A universal font format should exist.

Anyway, back to encryption. Imagine I’ve uploaded my ryan_font.ttf object to the Gmail font repository. I can now email anybody in the world in my own handwriting. And I can also create random digital drawings for all 98 symbols in the Fontise app- e.g. a star as an 8, and an underscore for a b.

The only way to decrypt these messages is to have the key, or to use a brute-force approach. Assuming you used the Fontise app with all 98 characters to create your font, the strength of any message will be determined by the number of unique characters in said message.

A pangram is a “sentence using every letter of a given alphabet at least once”. Let’s expand alphabet to ‘everything you type on a computer at work’, and we get the aforementioned 98 ASCII characters. These 98 characters more or less represent your entire written language- i.e. your handwriting. Now make a duplicate set where you randomly draw figures for each of the 98 characters. Call this ‘encrypted’ or something.

Below is the same message as before (green-text blob above), but ‘encrypted’. I made this new written language in like 5 min (my finger is tired from drawing images).

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Ryan Barrett

I am a data scientist who wants to apply data science practices literally everywhere.