Dry-ish January Reflections

Dara Noble
2 min readJan 22, 2018


Here we are, twenty-two days into 2018 and, for once, I can count the number of times I’ve drank alcohol on one hand.

Yes, I know the Dry January trend is abstaining completely, but considering an all-inclusive vacation is planned for the last week of the month, I knew that would’ve been setting myself up for failure (and torture!).

Drinking had become the default in my life; a nice dinner out with my love — gotta order a cocktail or beer to pair with our meal! A catch-up with an old friend over Thai takeout of course called for a bottle of vino. Six-packs of wine because they were quite convenient for my long commutes home on the train. Vacations planned around brewery tours or wineries (looking at you Finger Lakes!). A glass of wine while indulging in the latest Real Housewives episode. Bottomless brunches #NeedISayMore!? I could go on …

Albeit, my original intention for cutting back was simply to shed some pounds before vacation, but when you give something up or change a habit, you start to recognize how much space it actually takes up in your life.

The biggest change I noticed immediately was that I was dreaming vividly. Prior to this, it was rare that I’d dream or remember them, but now I was recalling very specific details and story-lines. It was happening so much and started to freak me out, it prompted me to do some research (thanks, Google) in which I uncovered theories that vivid dreams could be a result of heightened amounts of REM sleep. While I’ve always known that alcohol is a depressant, I had never considered the impact it was having on my brain while sleeping.

On a lighter note, the positive effects have been abundant! My skin is clearer, my mind sharper and less foggy, and I have more energy. I’m saving money…a lot of it. I also have more free time that I now spend working out, writing, and reading — areas that I had been neglecting.

While I don’t foresee giving up alcohol completely — after all, discovering new craft beers and red wines are something I enjoy — this experiment has given me a new perspective of the role alcohol plays in my life.



Dara Noble

Digital Marketing Alchemist. Manifestation & Mindset Coach. Sound Healing Practitioner. Conscious Leader.