Unsecured vs Secured Business Loans for Startups: Finding the Right Financing

4 min readApr 22, 2024


For startups seeking financial support to fuel their growth and expansion, navigating the world of business loans can be a challenging endeavor. Among the myriad of options available, one fundamental choice lies between unsecured and secured business loans. Understanding the differences between these two types of financing is crucial for entrepreneurs looking to make informed decisions about their business’s financial future.

Unsecured Business Loans

Unsecured business loans offer startups a flexible financing solution without the need for collateral. Unlike secured loans, which require assets such as real estate or equipment to secure the loan, unsecured loans are based primarily on the borrower’s creditworthiness and financial history.

With an unsecured business loan, startups can access funds quickly and without the risk of losing valuable assets in the event of default. This can be particularly appealing for entrepreneurs who may not have significant assets to pledge as collateral or who prefer to maintain flexibility in their business operations.

However, the convenience of unsecured business loans often comes with higher interest rates and stricter eligibility requirements. Lenders mitigate the risk of default by charging higher interest rates and imposing stringent credit criteria. Startups with less established credit histories or lower credit scores may find it challenging to qualify for unsecured loans or may be subject to less favorable terms.

Despite these potential drawbacks, unsecured business loans can provide startups with the capital they need to pursue growth opportunities, invest in marketing and advertising, or cover unexpected expenses. By leveraging their creditworthiness and financial standing, startups can access funds quickly and efficiently, enabling them to focus on building and scaling their businesses.

Unsecured Business Loan Lenders:

  1. Funding Circle: Funding Circle is a leading peer-to-peer lending platform that connects small businesses with investors willing to fund their loans. They offer unsecured business loans with flexible terms and competitive rates. Funding Circle UK
  2. iwoca: iwoca is a fintech company that specializes in providing flexible financing solutions for small businesses. They offer unsecured business loans with quick approval processes and no hidden fees. iwoca UK
  3. Liberis: Liberis is a financial services provider that offers unsecured business loans based on future credit and debit card sales. They provide fast, flexible funding solutions tailored to the needs of small businesses. Liberis UK

Secured Business Loans

On the other hand, secured business loans require startups to pledge assets as collateral to secure the loan. This collateral could include real estate, equipment, inventory, or other valuable assets owned by the business or its owners.

Secured business loans offer several advantages over unsecured loans, primarily in terms of lower interest rates and higher borrowing limits. Because the lender has recourse to the collateral in the event of default, they are willing to extend more favorable terms to borrowers, including lower interest rates and longer repayment periods.

Additionally, secured business loans may be more accessible to startups with less established credit histories or lower credit scores. By providing collateral to secure the loan, startups can mitigate the lender’s risk and improve their chances of approval, even if they have limited credit history or less-than-perfect credit.

However, secured business loans come with inherent risks, particularly the potential loss of collateral in the event of default. Startups must carefully consider their ability to repay the loan and weigh the potential consequences of defaulting on the loan against the benefits of accessing capital.

Secured Business Loan Lenders:

  1. NatWest: NatWest is a major UK bank that offers a variety of business financing options, including secured business loans. They provide loans secured against assets such as property or equipment, with competitive rates and flexible repayment terms. NatWest Business Loans
  2. Santander: Santander is another prominent UK bank that offers secured business loans to help businesses grow and expand. They provide tailored financing solutions with dedicated support from experienced relationship managers. Santander Business Loans
  3. Metro Bank: Metro Bank is known for its customer-focused approach and offers secured business loans to support the needs of businesses of all sizes. They provide flexible lending solutions with personalized service and competitive rates. Metro Bank Business Loans

The choice between unsecured and secured business loans for startups ultimately depends on the specific needs and circumstances of the business. Unsecured loans offer flexibility and convenience without the need for collateral, making them ideal for startups with strong creditworthiness and established financial histories.

On the other hand, secured loans provide lower interest rates and higher borrowing limits, making them a viable option for startups with valuable assets to pledge as collateral. By carefully evaluating the pros and cons of each type of financing and assessing their own financial situation, startups can choose the business loan that best aligns with their goals and objectives, setting them on a path to success and growth.

These resources will help get finance for your business. Want to learn more? You can take our online courses on finances




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