4 Uncomfortable Truths That Will Make You A Stronger Person

Elevy Hart
4 min readMar 18, 2023


We, as humans, say that we love and admire truth. But for certain people, if the truth becomes uncomfortable and offensive, they shut them down and ignore them.

Sometimes, even if the truth is in front of you, you can’t accept it because it may be too painful and unbearable for you.

However, you are doing yourself a disservice by denying and ignoring the harsh realities. You will be digging yourself a hole. And unconsciously, you will create a miserable, unfulfilling life for the future.

Likewise, by accepting and embracing the truth, you will be far way ahead of anyone around you in your environment.

You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes. — Maimonides

So with that said, here are four uncomfortable truths you must accept to become a better person.

1. No one cares about you.

Everyone’s only interested in themselves 95% of the time.

Most people never wake up thinking of you. They wake up thinking of themselves.

Therefore, showing off how good and nice you are and flaunting your own capabilities will only make people dislike you. There are no benefits to shoving your achievements into other people’s faces.

So, instead of trying so hard to get attention from people, be yourself and improve yourself. It is way better and more beneficial to you.

Don’t chase people. Be yourself, do your own thing, and work hard. The right people, the ones who really belong in your life, will come to you. And stay. — Will Smith

2. Your words are useless without action

Yes, that’s right. No one wants your bags of air.

Have you ever seen any successful person who only speaks but has no results? Probably not. To make people respect you, you have to show your results.

Those who always have their heads in the cloud are annoying to be with. Nothing could benefit from interacting with them; they will only waste your time.

So, don’t be like those people. Take action and prove your words.

Remember: words are useless without action.

3. Money is Needed

Even though almost every person is working +8 hours per day for money, there are some people out there who deny the importance of money.

And those who say that money isn’t important are the ones who are struggling with money. And their mindset only makes it worse.

The reality is you do need money. You need money to buy food, pay bills, and fix your car. The earlier you accept this truth, the easier your life will be.

Now, I’m not saying that money is everything. I’m saying that everything important to you in life needs money to some extent.

So, stop neglecting the power of money and start learning how to use it to your own advantage. Stop wasting your income on frivolous things. Live below your means.

Learn how to use money so it works for you instead of against you in the future.

4. You will never grow if you stay in your comfort zone

Everyone should be improving themselves every day. If we were doing only easy things, we would become complacent and avoid hard work.

No outstanding achievements can be gained by doing only the easy things. All great things require hard work, dedication, sweat, tears, failure, and disappointment. All of these are out of your comfort zone. We become powerful and unstoppable only after accepting that the pain is needed to achieve our goals.

On the other hand, staying in your comfort zone will only make you powerless, useless, and unattractive. You have nothing to show for anyone, including yourself. And that inevitably leads to a life of frustration, anxiety, and regret.

Action is a life-giving breath; inaction is a slow death. — Joey Schweitzer (Better Ideas)

Now that I’ve shared some uncomfortable truths, it’s time for you to take action. Nothing moves you forward better than the action itself.

Accept the truths and build yourself to become a better person.



Elevy Hart

Hi, I'm Elevy. Here, I'll share some self improvement ideas I've found useful in my life — and I hope they will work for you as well.