5 Things That Are Making You Emotionally Weak

Elevy Hart
5 min readApr 4, 2023


Have you ever wondered why you are feeling lonely or not progressing in some areas? Do you think you feel stressed out very often? Or do you feel anxious or nervous when hard times arise? If these things happen very often to you, then you might be emotionally weak.

First of all, what is ‘emotionally weak’, specifically?

Emotional weakness is where a person’s emotional resilience or the ability to cope with their emotions is low. And they often find it hard to manage their feelings or emotions. This can result in things like feeling overwhelmed or anxious, lacking confidence and self-esteem, and struggling to recover from setbacks and failures.

Emotional weakness can be caused by various factors, such as past trauma, mental health problems, negative self-talks, and a lack of social support. And it can negatively impact a person’s ability to deal with obstacles, maintain healthy relationships, and achieve personal goals.

So, to help you raise self-awareness, here are 5 things that make you emotionally weak.

1. Not Believing In Yourself

Have you ever tried something but ended up not satisfying the final results? Have you ever been criticized severely by your close ones? Whatever it is, people who lack trust in themselves weren’t born with this belief of ‘I am incapable’.

They may have experienced negative and invalidating messages from people, such as friends, parents, or teachers, which can lead to negative self-talk and self-doubt. As they grow up without cultivating and strengthening their self-belief, this self-doubt can become deeply ingrained, and it can be challenging to break free from its grip. Subconsciously, it undermines your ability to cope with problems or life’s challenges. You may be more likely to give up in the face of obstacles without even trying first or feel overwhelmed by stress and burnout.

This can lead to a cycle of negative thinking and low self-esteem, further reinforcing the belief that you are not capable of achieving what you want and your goals.

With that being said, it is possible to get out of this vicious cycle. By recognizing the negative impact that not believing in yourself is having on your life, you can begin to take steps to build up your self-confidence and emotional resilience. You can seek help from mental health professionals, practice self-care, and challenge negative self-talk.

You can also check out Psych2go YouTube channel. This channel is dedicated to making mental health more accessible to everyone and helping people become more aware of the importance of mental well-being. Right now, they are doing a fantastic job. Personally, I feel that their team is doing far, far better than traditional doctors and therapists. On top of that, it’s FREE!

So, if you want to know more about the topic(mental health), you can definitely check their channel on YouTube. And again, Psych2go is totally free, so it’s definitely worth checking out.

2. Letting Others Take Control of You

This is mainly related to the lack of self-esteem and confidence. People who struggle with emotional weakness find it hard to set clear boundaries, making them appear weak and more vulnerable.

This can be extremely problematic when there are manipulators or abusers around you, as they may use and control you to their advantage. Over time, it saps your mental energy, emotional energy, and self-esteem. Even worse, it can destroy your sense of autonomy, which makes you feel like you have no control over your life. This can result to depression, deep emotional stress, and even suicidal thoughts.

So, when that’s the case, it is crucial to set clear and firm boundaries with them to protect yourself. Because at the end of the day, your wants and needs are the most important factor in your life.

3. Making decisions based upon emotions instead of values

fizkes from Unsplash

While making decisions based on how you’re feeling doesn’t necessarily make you weak; however, if your emotions get the best of you most of the time, it’s a telltale sign that you are emotionally weak.


Because it can lead to poor decision-making if emotions are not balanced with reasoning and logic. It can also cloud judgment and make you impulsive or irrational. And after being compulsive, you may later realize that those actions don’t benefit you anyway and are not aligned with your core values, ultimately making you feel sorrow, sadness, and regret. This can lead to emotional instability or feeling out of control over one’s life.

So, take time to think before you act. Weigh the pros and cons of different options before doing something. By doing so, you can make emotionally satisfying and logical decisions, giving you a greater sense of emotional strength and resilience.

4. Not Taking Responsibility For Your Actions

Philipp Lansing from Unsplash

People who avoid responsibility most often believe that they are not in control of their own life or they are unable to change their circumstances. As a result, they often feel a sense of helplessness and a lack of confidence in their own abilities, which makes them emotionally weak.

Additionally, this can damage your relationships with others as well. When you refuse to admit that you’re wrong or apologize for your actions, you may be seen as defensive, stubborn, and ostentatious. This can make it very difficult to form meaningful and healthy connections with others, contributing to a sense of emotional weakness and loneliness.

Taking full responsibility for your actions is essential to personal growth and emotional maturity. Admitting your mistakes, reflecting, and learning from them takes immense courage. By doing so, you are building self-esteem, earning the trust of others, and developing a greater sense of emotional strength and resilience.

Were you aware of any of these?

If so, don’t feel bad.

Because being emotionally weak is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has experienced this once in a while. It takes time, patience, and strength to build, so don’t be too hard on yourself.

Instead, be patient, compassionate, acknowledge your areas of weakness, and work on them. Then, you will slowly become stronger, more resilient, and happier.



Elevy Hart

Hi, I'm Elevy. Here, I'll share some self improvement ideas I've found useful in my life — and I hope they will work for you as well.