“The Timeless Beauty of Ancient Egyptian Cosmetics

4 min readFeb 10, 2023


Ancient Egyptians invented makeup and used it as a daily ritual.

Makeup has been a part of human culture for thousands of years, and it is thought that the ancient Egyptians came up with it. Ancient Egyptians used cosmetics all the time, and they were an important part of their daily lives. From religious ceremonies to special events, makeup was seen as a symbol of beauty and purity and was used by both men and women.

“Beauty Secrets of the Ancient Egyptians: Natural Ingredients and Timeless Techniques’’

Natural substances like oils, minerals, and plants were used to make Egyptian cosmetics. These chemicals were used to make a range of cosmetics, including eyeliner, lipstick, and rouge. Ancient Egyptians thought that makeup not only made them look better but also protected their skin from the harsh sun of the desert. They also wore cosmetics to fight off bad spirits and to keep their youth.

The use of cosmetics was not limited to women and was also commonly used by men.

Men also used cosmetics a lot in ancient Egypt. They were not just used by women. Both men and women thought that cosmetics were important for spiritual and cultural reasons as well as for making them look better. Men used makeup like eye kohl to protect their eyes from the sun and prevent eye infections, as well as to make their eyes stand out as signs of intelligence and health. Men and women both wore makeup to religious events to show how much they cared about the gods. People thought of cosmetics as a sign of wealth and social status, and both men and women with high social status used them often. Ancient Egyptians used cosmetics so much that they were found in graves, which shows how important they were in both life and death.

The materials used for makeup, such as kohl, were carefully chosen and often had symbolism beyond just beauty.

The ancient Egyptians used kohl, a black pigment made from galena, which is a type of lead sulfide. This was one of the most unique things about their makeup. Kohl was put around the eyes to make them look dramatic and smoky and to protect the skin from the sun. People also thought it was good for them because the lead in the kohl kept infections away.
Lipstick was another important beauty product in ancient Egypt. It was made from red ochre, henna, and beeswax, among other things. The lipstick came in different colors and textures, depending on the occasion and the person. Ancient Egyptians also painted their cheeks with rouge made from crushed red beetles.

Cosmetics were used every day, but they were also very important in religious ceremonies. Hathor was the goddess of beauty, love, and motherhood, and people who worshipped her would wear a lot of makeup to show their devotion. People thought that the dead would need to look their best in the afterlife, so they used cosmetics as part of the mummification process.

Ancient Egyptian makeup left a mark on modern beauty practices like using eye makeup and the idea of grooming for social and cultural reasons.

You can’t say enough about how important ancient Egyptian makeup is to the modern world. Cosmetics are still a big part of beauty culture, and many of the products and methods that the ancient Egyptians came up with are still used today. From eyeliner to lipstick, beauty practices in ancient Egypt have left their mark on cosmetics all over the world.

In conclusion, the ancient Egyptians were a big part of how makeup came to be and how it is still used today as a way to look good and express yourself. Their customs and methods are still used in the cosmetics industry, and they have had a long-lasting effect on beauty culture. From using kohl to making lipstick, the ancient Egyptians left behind a timeless legacy that will continue to inspire and captivate people for generations to come.

