2 min readMay 1, 2023

7 Tips to Reduce Parental Stress and Improve Your Well-Being

By: Mirna Mneimneh — Cofounder, Elggo

Parenting is a demanding role that often leaves parents feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Global events have made it even more challenging for parents, increasing stress, anxiety, and depression. However, there are simple steps parents can take to feel less stressed and improve their overall well-being. This article will explore six tips to help parents feel less stressed.

  1. Accept that you can’t be a “perfect” parent.

Many parents feel guilty about “failing” their children or worry about making the wrong decision. However, striving for perfection can increase stress and depression in parents. Instead, occasionally prioritize your needs, allow your child to play independently, and remember that being a “perfect” parent is not the goal.

2. Learn how to tolerate uncertainty.

Uncertainty is a significant source of stress, especially for people with high levels of “intolerance of uncertainty.” If this description fits you, try to seek out unpredictable or uncertain situations without seeking reassurance from others, analyzing all possible outcomes, or distracting yourself. Learning to tolerate uncertainty can help reduce stress levels.

3. Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness can help parents accept and not overreact to adverse life events, understand their children’s emotions, control their emotions in challenging parenting situations, and have more compassion for themselves and their children. Practicing mindfulness can help parents reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being.

4. Try to solve the problem.

Teaching parents problem-solving skills can help improve stress levels, child behavior, and mental health. Effective problem-solving involves clearly defining the problem, writing out all possible solutions, evaluating each solution individually to determine the best solution, and taking action.

5. Reframe challenging behavior.

Instead of seeing your child’s challenging behavior as something that needs to be corrected, try to see it as an opportunity for growth. This perspective can help reduce stress and improve your relationship with your child.

6. Seek out social connections.

Social connections can help reduce stress and improve mental health. Make an effort to connect with other parents or join a parenting group to share experiences and support each other.

7. Prioritize sleep.

Lack of sleep can increase stress and lead to adverse health outcomes. Ensure you prioritize sleep by setting a consistent schedule and creating a relaxing bedtime routine.

In conclusion, parenting can be a stressful job, but there are simple steps parents can take to feel less stressed and improve their overall well-being. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can be a happier and healthier parent for your children.


Elggo, a comprehensive and evidence-based AI-powered well-being platform for K-12 schools.