
Elgin Davis
4 min readNov 27, 2018


Photo by Eréndira Tovar on Unsplash

Oh, what a wonderful world we live in,
A world adorned by a filtered lens,
A world where ignorance in its purest form truly is bliss,
A world wherein dreams do not amend.

Be wary of the stigmas, the norms, the do’s, the don’ts,
Lest you become a social pariah.
Be wary of the weapon you wield, the power you hold,
Lest They set your bones afire.

A bold, passionate Gale embodied by
Ribbons of cultured flesh
Is publicly feared by Them the most
And sets one apart from the rest.

He who conforms not to the Adversary’s wishes
But to those of He who gives life
Has a different filter with which to view the world,
But is yet subject to great burden and strife.

Nevertheless, there are those in the world
Who oppose the Gale at each turn.
There are those who wish to be the central star
Even if it means that the Earth itself must burn.

The Hammer.

The power to keep these souls in line,
The power better left to that of the Divine,
The power by which two fates may intertwine
Leaving the darkness reproached so that both souls may shine,

Be wary of the power of the Hammer.

Take not for granted the faculty it bears.
Take not for granted its righteous airs.
Take not for granted its inherent snares.

Take not for granted the power of the Hammer.

Presidence over the deeds of your peers
Is no way to wield the power,
Nor is blind hypocrisy, measured condemnation,
Or conservative silence as that of a coward.

Let the Gale within you take up its force
And drive you to make the effort.
Let it guide your mind and body to actions
That create a conscientious rapport.

Those who oppose still remain.

As society would have it, we should assess only those outside of our sphere-
The dogmatic demagogue, the fallen idol, the failed brigadier-
Because these views are valid in an otherwise filtered lens.
They live in a state of irrelevance whilst aligning with pop-culture trends.

A special state of irrelevance
Far enough removed to outwardly be condemned,
But never those within our sphere-
For those are the Untouchables.

The Untouchables.

The man drinking to forget the weight of the world and
The woman drinking away her sorrows,
The man drinking to be accepted and
The woman drinking to drown the thoughts of tomorrow,

The girl revealing all for the world to see
For the ephemeral thrill of validation-
The green-lensed shades coupled with the
Charming, forged smile prove to be enough
To beguile those who see no deeper than face value.

The Gale stirs within you and quells itself knowing that
Society does not approve its voice.

The girl who struggles to accept a compliment
Because “all guys have one thing on their mind”,
And the guy who substantiates this heavy claim
That counters the progress of mankind.

The pretenders, the exchangers of paltry pleasantries
Devoid of meaningful sentiment,
The malcontents who will never cease
To grouse about matters hardly pertinent,

Those who alter perception as a
Result of an opaque lens,
And will boldly disrespect the temple if
It means earning a new friend,

The students who study tirelessly for
The sole purpose of future earnings,
The businessmen who live lavishly while
Vagrants lie awake with bellies yearning,

Those who fall prey to the Adversary’s lust
And the various vices of human nature,
Those who believe the pleasures of physical
Intimacy supersede true happiness and Divine favor,

Those who steal, who cheat, who lie, and who kill,
Those who insult and belittle, who impose their will,
Those who denigrate and discriminate,
Those who instill fear and intimidate-

They too are Untouchable.

The multifarious accounts of worldly transgression
Enrage the Gale beyond suppression,
But society has taught most of us well
How to contain our common microaggression.

Though the full power of the Hammer
Lies not in our hands,
This does not that imply that
We cannot take a stand,

For we are all imperfect bearers of the Hammer,
And as we grow we learn how best to control it.
The fervent spirit of the Gale lives within us all,
And as we grow we learn how best to uphold it.

Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom,
Let not the mighty man boast in his might.
Let not the Gale dominate your tongue,
Lest your cautions become fairly trite.

Untouchables despise the Hammer
For it boasts incandescent rays,
Dare not turn the Hammer on any one of them
Lest you welcome a loathsome gaze.

The Gale calls on you to swing
While They implore you to abate,
Your body continues to temporize
While the Hammer resigns Their grim fate.

Be wary of the power of the Hammer.

The Hammer has no darlings,
But its distinctions are made quite clear.
We and those within our sphere
Have been taught not to love but rather to fear

The high power of the mighty Hammer.

The Struggle rages on as that of a storm
And the Untouchable acts become the norm,

The bearers of the Hammer are driven to silence
And the voice of the Gale, Society decries it

Until the Grand Finale is upon us
And the true Hammer Bearer takes a stand.
He swings the Hammer righteously
And embraces the Gale at His right hand.

(Originally written in March of 2016 by Elgin Davis)

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Elgin Davis

Harvard University 2019 (Computer Science); Entrepreneur, Artist, Animator, Designer, Writer working from God's glory