Image by Rahul Shah

Why is it so meaningful to read?

4 min readJul 1, 2024


Have you always postponed your reading sessions or didn´t have the love for reading as your friends? I want to convince you to start reading more, not because I genuinely enjoy it, but because there are so many benefits even with a scientific basis.
And now let’s start with the first one…why is it best to read daily…

1. Improving Your Vocabulary

Reading expands your vocabulary and communication skills. It doesn´t matter if the book is in your native language or some foreign one. You will always learn new words and phrases — the same object applies to different genres. Of course, you will always learn more new words from some philosophical or formal documents, but in my experience, I´ve always learned the most words from the local authors. And it is also more fun than official reports. Just keep reading and new words will come along.

2. Language skills

This point is closely related to the first one. When you know more words you can always express yourself better and in a proper way to the situation. I, quite often, use new words from the recent book reads. For example, in this article, I have used about twenty new words or phrases from the two books I read last month.
Why does it improve your communication?
You will learn new phrases that usually are used by native speakers. By some time nobody would have guessed that you are not a native speaker.

3. Enhances knowledge

Books from various parts of the world will show you a variety of cultures, languages, and traditions. You will learn, how diverse people lived and lived in the past lives. Learning leads to evolving and personal growth. It will bring you to thinking about you, yourself, and your purpose, which is leading me to the next point…

4. Philosophical level

Books, especially engaging books, will make you question you and everything that revolves around you. You will be thinking about how the world works, which is going to introduce you to the world of learning. The magic of getting to know new things and learning is the best feeling in the world.

5. Reducing stress

Reading is a relaxing activity for your brain. (Well, I´m not talking about philosophical books..:)) Many studies show the effect of lowering stress by reading — of course, unless you´re the one who lives through the story. And another benefit is the fact, that when you are in long-term stress, you always have some book within reach — perfect solution and even not so expensive.

6. Cognitive functioning

The complex text (not only a short article) is the best way to connect knowledge and information. It also enhances brain functioning and improves memory. People with better memory are also capable of better critical thinking and solving problems, which is nowadays required almost everywhere.

7. Better imagination

The seventh point closely integrates with the sixth one. Better imagination helps with problem-solving, critical thinking, and preparing for hard situations. With good imagination, you can be faster and more precise. These qualities sound like any good traits, that an excellent leader should have. Why do you believe, that most of world No1. leaders have enormous libraries?

8. Increasing Empathy

The various characters you are reading about, are modeling different situations and minds. This improves your social communication on a different level. You will be able to read people´s minds like books, which will increase your empathy for each special person. You will know much better how human brains work and you will be able to confirm and comfort just anybody.

9. Details

This might sound strange, but good reading skills help to develop the ability to look closer at things, cases, and human beings (their mind vis. 8). Noticing the key things and observing the details are significant qualities in our era. Anybody who wants to succeed needs to read between the lines.

10. Concentration

With the act of reading a book, it is meaningful to focus. Afterwards this concentration projects to any other parts of life, especially work.

I´ve summered only a few of the most important benefits of reading. If I may add just one, it would be the urge to always grow, evolve, and learn. I am a huge reader, who changes the genres like my socks, but I think this helps me to learn a lot more new things from different aspects of life. So what about you did I convince you to start reading or are you a seasoned reader?

Thank you for reading :)

Image by Thought Catalog

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