Mastering RCM Payment Posting: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Eliana Martiin
3 min readMar 5, 2024


In today’s healthcare landscape, Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) plays a critical role in ensuring the financial health of healthcare organizations. One crucial aspect of RCM payment posting involves recording and reconciling payments received from payers and patients. Mastering payment posting is essential for healthcare providers to optimize revenue streams and maintain financial stability.

Understanding RCM Payment Posting

Payment posting is the process of recording payments, adjustments, and denials received from insurance companies, government payers, and patients. It involves updating patient accounts with accurate payment information, ensuring proper allocation of funds, and reconciling discrepancies between payments and billed amounts.

RCM Payment Posting
RCM Payment Posting

Keys Components of Payment Posting:

  1. Payment Entry: This step involves entering payment details into the healthcare organization’s billing system. It includes information such as payer name, patient account number, payment amount, date of payment, and payment method (e.g., check, credit card, electronic funds transfer).
  2. Adjustments and Denials: Payments may be subject to adjustments or denials based on various factors such as contractual agreements with payers, coding errors, or lack of medical necessity. Adjustments are reductions in the billed amount, while denials are rejections of claims by payers.
  3. Reconciliation: Reconciliation ensures that the payments recorded in the billing system match the amounts received from payers and patients. It involves comparing payment data with bank deposits and remittance advice received from payers to identify discrepancies and resolve any issues.

Step-by-Step Tutorial for Mastering RCM Payment Posting

Step 1: Verify Payment Details

Before entering payment information into the billing system, verify the accuracy of payment details such as payer name, patient account number, payment amount, and date of payment posting. This ensures that payments are posted to the correct patient accounts and allocated accurately.

Step 2: Enter Payment Information

Using the healthcare organization’s billing software, navigate to the payment posting module and enter the payment details from the remittance advice or patient payment. Input the payer name, patient account number, payment amount, date of payment, and payment method into the designated fields.

Step 3: Apply Adjustments and Denials

If the payment is subject to adjustments or denials, apply them accordingly in the billing system. This may involve reducing the billed amount based on contractual agreements with payers or reclassifying denied claims for further review and resubmission.

Step 4: Reconcile Payments

Compare the payment information entered in the billing system with the amounts received from payers and patients. Reconcile any discrepancies by investigating the root cause and making necessary adjustments in the billing system to ensure accuracy.

Payment Posting
Payment Posting

Step 5: Document Payment Posting

Maintain detailed records of payment posting activities, including payment details, adjustments, denials, and reconciliation efforts. This documentation serves as an audit trail for financial reporting purposes and helps identify trends or issues in payment processing.


Mastering RCM payment posting is essential for healthcare organizations to streamline revenue collection processes, minimize revenue leakage, and ensure financial stability. By following a step-by-step approach and leveraging advanced billing software capabilities, healthcare providers can optimize payment posting efficiency and accuracy, ultimately enhancing their overall revenue cycle management performance.

