Advantages of Powder Coating Over Conventional Liquid Paint Coating

3 min readNov 27, 2017


Unlike liquid coating processes whereby liquid paints are used to do the coating, powder coating can only be achieved by the use of a dry powder. Whereas the pain coating requires the use of a solvent to dissolve the paint, powder coating doesn’t require any solvent and this implies that the coating is fully achieved by the use of a dry powder. To make the powder coat to flow over the surface of the object being coated, a curing process of the powder has to be induced by the use of heat. Powder coating is becoming more and more prevalent due to the large number of benefits attributed to its use as we shall discuss.

The first benefit for using powder coatings is that there is less environment pollution due to the lack of volatile organic compounds which the liquid paints are so rich of. Due to their potential for polluting the environment, volatile organic components should rarely be used. With the presence of less contaminants in the coatings, there is a chance for a safe environment for both of us to inhabit. Moreover, for industries handling powder coatings, there is no need to worry of dealing with volatile organic components and this is a great financial relief for them. This allows these industries to invest money that would have otherwise gone into pollution management into other processes. Read more about Powder Coating vs Paint here.

Secondly, with powder coatings, a tougher and a thicker skin can be attained as opposed to the use of paint coatings. A thicker and a tougher coating implies that it will wear out less easily and this will enhance the durability of the object being coated. Furthermore, a tougher coating rarely requires any replacements to be done on it and this reduces the costs of production. Owing to the fact that no coating replacements are needed, the appearance of the coated object is also maintained over a long period of time.

Powder coating also has the advantage of making it possible for the designers to achieve more design patterns on the coated object than is possible for objects coated with other coating materials. This versatility of the powder coating stretched the creativity of the designers to come up with unique patterns that serve to satisfy the more needs of the clientele. Explore more about Powder Coating vs Painting here.

Lastly, as opposed to the liquid paint coatings, powder coatings do not require much curing process and time. The curing process for liquid paint coatings is done by the use of cold air being allowed to flow over the coated object and this process is usually long and uncontrolled. The air is meant to dry the wet paint. For powder coating however, the curing process is usually regulatable and can be induced by the production team in order to force a quicker curing process which eliminates unnecessary time losses in the production cycle. Get more information at this website about powder coating.

