Is this a bubble? Where did all the businesses go?

The Political Grow
2 min readJul 30, 2018

I have a question and I genuinely hope that someone will be able to enlighten me:

Is there anyone out there that is actually creating new customer products or otherwise classically productive endeavors?

Granted, my confusion on this topic is certainly greatly influenced by the pseudo-intellectual circles I tend to move around in.

But as far as I can tell, the vast majority of the brightest minds of this time are engaged in one of the following activities:

There are people that work in finance and essentially make a living lending money to people that hopefully create products that are successful enough to generate profits. Or you are engaged in other forms of investment to ensure that a set base of money is multiplied.

Then there are all the people that work in some form of consultancy, which are basically engaged in telling other businesses how to become more profitable and in the process streamline and otherwise improve their processes.

And then there is the ungodly amount of people that work in social media, which as far as I am concerned is a new advertisement industry — enabling businesses to connect with their customers to convince them to buy…

