From Code to Crypto: AI’s Impact on Bitcoin’s Price Trajectory.

Elias Manolopoulos
4 min readFeb 29, 2024


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of various industries, including finance and economics. One of the most talked-about and controversial topics in the financial world is the rise, fall and rise again of bitcoin. BTC, the first cryptocurrency, has captured the attention of the world with its decentralized, digital, and secure nature. The only problem seems to be the number of crypto entrepreneurs convicted of fraud.

Functionality of Bitcoin
Bitcoin operates on a peer-to-peer network, where users can transact with each other directly without the need for a middleman, such as a bank or financial institution. This is made possible through the use of blockchain technology, a decentralized ledger that records and verifies transactions. The blockchain is maintained and secured through a network of computers, known as nodes, which use complex algorithms to validate and add new transactions to the chain. Bitcoin mining, the process of adding new blocks to the blockchain, requires a significant amount of computing power. This is where AI comes in. It enables the use of powerful machines, such as application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), to solve complex mathematical problems and validate transactions. This process is known as proof-of-work (POW) and is essential for the security and functionality of the bitcoin network. Moreover, AI also helps to improve the efficiency and speed of bitcoin transactions. With the increasing number of users and transactions on the blockchain, AI algorithms are used to optimize the network’s performance and reduce transaction times. This is achieved through techniques such as parallel processing, which enables multiple transactions to be processed simultaneously, making the network more scalable and efficient.

AI and Bitcoin’s Rise
Bitcoin’s price has been a subject of much debate and speculation. In November of 2021 alone, the price of bitcoin has soared to an all-time high of over $69,044 making it one of the most valuable assets in the world. While many factors contribute to its rise, AI has played a significant role in driving the price of bitcoin. One of the primary drivers of bitcoin’s price is its limited supply. There can only ever be 21 million bitcoins in existence, making it a scarce asset. AI-powered trading bots and algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, including market trends, news, and social media sentiments, to make accurate predictions about the demand for bitcoin. This enables traders and investors to make informed decisions and capitalize on the rising demand for bitcoin, thus driving its price up. One of the most significant potential benefits of combining AI and bitcoin is the creation of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). These are self-governing entities that operate through smart contracts and are controlled by AI algorithms. DAOs can eliminate the need for human intermediaries in decision-making processes, making them more efficient and transparent.
Moreover, AI has also helped to make bitcoin more accessible to the general population. With the use of trading platforms and apps, anyone with a smartphone or internet connection can easily buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrency. This has led to a surge in the number of retail investors, further driving up the demand for bitcoin and its price.

Using Chat GPT-3 we asked Open AI some questions about bitcoin.

Lastly, Artificial Intelligence has also played a crucial role in improving the security and trustworthiness of bitcoin, making it a more viable investment option. However, there are also some challenges that come with combining the two. One of the main concerns is the potential for AI to manipulate the bitcoin market. Since algorithms can make decisions based on data analysis, there is a risk of them making biased or inaccurate predictions, which could lead to market manipulation. To prevent this, it is crucial to have proper regulations and oversight in place. This way the blockchain network can detect and prevent fraudulent activities, such as double-spending, making bitcoin a more secure and reliable digital asset. Every step that leads towards the trustworthiness of bitcoin is absolutely necessary for its value.

The combination of AI and bitcoin has the potential to bring significant advancements to the cryptocurrency industry. It can improve efficiency, security, and customer experience, and also create new opportunities for decentralized systems. However, it is essential to carefully consider the potential risks and have proper regulations in place to ensure the responsible use of these technologies. As AI and bitcoin continue to evolve, we can expect to see even more innovative ways of combining them for the benefit of users and businesses.



Elias Manolopoulos

Elias is the founder of Aeon Ads, a digital marketing agency that helps amplify your online presence. His educational background includes NYU and Duke.