Designing REST APIs with CRUD Operations

Elias Salom
4 min readJun 1, 2023


First, for those who don’t know what is REST API please visit this article to know more

A small explanation, REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is an architectural style for designing APIs. REST APIs are based on the HTTP protocol and use HTTP verbs to perform CRUD operations on resources.

When designing REST APIs for CRUD, search, and filter operations, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The type of data that will be stored in the API.
  • The operations that will be performed on the data.
  • The security requirements for the API.
  • The performance requirements for the API.

Once these factors have been considered, it is possible to start designing the API. The following are some best practices for designing APIs for CRUD, search, and filter operations:

  • Use consistent naming conventions. This will make it easier for developers to use the API.
  • Use meaningful error messages. This will help developers debug their code.
  • Use a consistent API versioning scheme. This will allow developers to upgrade to new versions of the API without breaking their code.

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These are the four basic operations that can be performed on data. When designing an API, it is important to consider how these operations will be implemented.

Passing Data

Where can we pass the data in the REST API?

The data can be passed in the request body, query string, or HTTP headers. The request body is typically used to pass large amounts of data, such as a user profile or a product catalog,

  • Body: The body is typically used to pass large amounts of data, such as a user profile or a product catalog. The body is typically formatted as JSON or XML.
// Example of a JSON request body
"name": "John Doe",
"email": ""
  • Query string: The query string is typically used to pass small amounts of data, such as a page number or a search term. The query string is typically formatted as key-value pairs, separated by the ampersand (&) character.
// Example of a query string
  • HTTP headers: HTTP headers can be used to pass any type of data, such as authorization tokens or custom headers. HTTP headers are typically formatted as key-value pairs, separated by the colon (:) character.
// Example of an HTTP header
Authorization: Bearer 1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

When to use the body:

  • When passing large amounts of data, such as a user profile or a product catalog.
  • When passing data that is not a simple key-value pair, such as a JSON object or an XML document.

When to use the query string:

  • When passing small amounts of data, such as a page number or a search term.
  • When passing data that is a simple key-value pair.

When to use HTTP headers:

  • When passing data that is sensitive, such as an authorization token.
  • When passing data that needs to be tracked, such as a custom header that indicates the source of the request.

It is important to note that not all REST APIs will use all three of these mechanisms. Some APIs may only use the body, while others may only use the query string or the HTTP headers. It is important to check the documentation for the specific API to determine which mechanisms are supported.


The Create operation is used to create new data. This can be done by sending a POST request to the API endpoint. The request body will contain the data that is being created.

// Create a new user
const user = {
name: "John Doe",
email: ""

// Make a POST request to the /users endpoint
const response = await fetch("/users", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(user)


The Read operation is used to retrieve existing data. This can be done by sending a GET request to the API endpoint. The response body will contain the data that was requested.

// Get all users
const response = await fetch("/users");

// Get users whose name starts with "John"
const response = await fetch("/users?name=John");


The Update operation is used to modify existing data. This can be done by sending a PUT request to the API endpoint. The request body will contain the data that is being updated.

// update user 
const resposne = await fetch(url, {
method: "PUT",
body: JSON.stringify(data),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"


The Delete operation is used to remove existing data. This can be done by sending a DELETE request to the API endpoint.

// delete user 
const resposne = await fetch(url, {
method: "DELETE"

Additional Considerations

When designing APIs, it is essential to consider the following additional considerations:

  • Security: APIs should be designed to be secure. This means that they should be protected from unauthorized access and that they should use encryption to protect sensitive data.
  • Performance: APIs should be designed to be performant. This means that they should be able to handle a high volume of requests without slowing down.
  • Scalability: APIs should be designed to be scalable. This means that they can handle an increasing number of users without becoming overloaded.

there are many types of Communication Technologies Between Client-Side and Server-Side Systems the REST API is one of them,

to know more about them please visit this article

