We’re all like Derek

Beats & Quotes
5 min readJun 15, 2020



On the 29th of May 2020 I woke up angry to the news that George Floyd was murdered by a police officer named Derek Chauvin. Three other policemen were also at the scene and a dozen more people, including the woman who recorded everything. I can imagine how traumatizing that was for her and to those who witnessed the event. Did Derek murder George because he was black? I would like to think so. Sadly, George Floyd’s death is another chapter in the long history of American unrest, triggered by the treatment of black people by police forces.


A part of me also wonders if they just took extra precaution with George knowing that he had a criminal record, and had been jailed at least 5 times prior for several crimes.

(See link for more of his criminal past)

Those that know him say he was a gentle giant, a father of two.


Either way, jail time is what Derek needs because he murdered a man. George was cooperating with the police, he was pleading with the officer, “I can’t breathe”, blood was coming out of his nose.

And that was it.

2020 Crystal Palace protest

It’s a shame because there are some good police officers out there that abide by the law.

Unfortunately, they’ve become a walking target because of the police brutality, it’s a constant cycle

When will it stop? The answer is we don’t know.

Who remembers “F*** tha police” by N.W.A? Yeah that track makes sense to me now.

2020 Crystal Palace protest

The next day my resentment towards Derek disappeared, “why?” you may ask, well it’s because behind his profession, as a police officer, he’s human just like me.

Deep inside he may have been filled with anger, jealously or subscribe to the belief of white supremacy who knows?. Overall, it was just pure evil and maybe he loved it, but the same applies to us. To those who went to protest including myself, (low key some of us would love to get our hands on the police, chop their heads off and lift them up in the crowd like it’s 300. “THIS IS SPARTA!!!” Or “JUSTICE FOR FLOYD!!!”)

You see how wicked the human heart is? We all deserve to face God’s wrath; we all deserve to get cremated and yet God out of His grace and mercy sent His son Jesus to take our place and nail our sin on the cross instead. What a majestic God we serve. When I think about the origin of sin, that started in Genesis, Adam and Eve disobeyed God. They were told not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil otherwise they would die. (Genesis 2:15–17).

2020 Crystal Palace protest

The story of Cain and Abel is another example of sin, when Cain was consumed with anger and jealously it led to him actually murdering his brother Abel. (Genesis 4).

Fast forward to the New Testament when Jesus preached to the crowd in regards to anger. (Matthew 5:21–26). And the list goes on…

So, my conclusion is, I’m no different to Derek. I know there’s been times when I hold resentment to those that are even close to me, you leave the situation for too long and you could end up murdering someone if the situation is not resolved. As for the consequence… you should know by now. It’s only by His grace that He shows me how broken I am. I’ll never be 100% but in Christ I will be 100%,

And so, the same applies to you guys, may the Lord help us to continue to self-reflect or work on ourselves. As my pastor would say, self-reflection is good for the soul, is it hard to do? Of course, but it’s only by the power of His Grace we’ll become better in Christ.

2020 Crystal Palace protest


Dear Lord thank you for showing me how much of a mess I am. Thank you for giving us access to speak to you through your Son Jesus. I pray that we continue to speak up on issues that go on in our society. Whether it’s a forum, art, music or just a general conversation with those that we may encounter. May you give us the strength to not be afraid to share our thoughts.

Help us to be quick to listen and slow to speak. Most importantly help us to love one another in harmony whether we are right or wrong. I lift up George Floyd’s family and many other families that experienced losing someone through police brutality. I pray that those that have committed murder do see justice the right way. I pray that those YOU have appointed in power recognise and listen to the protests and they respond to the unheard messages.

I lift up Derek in your hands as well, help me to forgive him the same way your Son forgave us. I pray that if and when Derek does face jail-time he comes out of jail as a better person and Most importantly he gets to know who YOU are.

I pray that he experiences YOUR Mercy and YOUR Grace and importantly YOU are using him to share the Gospel and his story the same way Paul was on fire for you. Oh, how sweet your Grace is O Lord.

Thank you!

In Jesus’ Good name.


Till next time


Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” And the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice.

34 その時、イエスはこう言われました。「父よ。彼らをお赦しください。彼らは、自分たちが何をしているのかわかっていないのです。」兵士たちがさいころを投げて、イエスの着物を分け合うのを、

Luke 23:34 NLT

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.

8 だれからも見放された人を守ってあげなさい.

Proverbs 31:8

Stop being angry! Turn from your rage! Do not lose your temper- it only leads to harm For the wicked will be destroyed, but those who trust in the Lord will possess the land.

8 怒るのをやめ、憤りを捨てなさい。
9 悪者は滅ぼされますが、

Psalm 37:8–9 NLT

When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.

15 正しい人は喜んで正しいことをし、

Proverbs 21:15 ESV

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord,” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

19 愛する皆さん。決して自分で復讐してはいけません。復讐は神に任せなさい。なぜなら、神が、「当然報復を受けなければならない人には、わたしが報復する」と言っておられるからです。 20 むしろ、あなたの敵が飢えていたら、食べさせてやりなさい。のどが渇いていたら、飲ませてやりなさい。そうすることによって、あなたは、「敵の頭上に燃えさかる炭火を積む」ことになります。つまり彼は、あなたにしてきたことを思って、恥じ入るようになるのです。 21 悪に負けてはいけません。かえって、善を行うことによって悪に打ち勝ちなさい。

Romans 12:19–21 ESV

