Understanding and Fixing QuickBooks Error H202

eli matthews
4 min read1 hour ago


QuickBooks is a popular accounting software used by businesses of all sizes to manage their finances efficiently. However, like any software, QuickBooks is not immune to errors. One such common issue is QuickBooks Error H202. This error can be frustrating, particularly if it disrupts your accounting tasks. In this blog post, we’ll explore what QuickBooks Error H202 is, why it occurs, and how you can resolve it.

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What is QuickBooks Error H202?

QuickBooks Error H202 is a network-related issue that occurs when QuickBooks is unable to communicate with the company file. This error typically appears with a message stating, “Error H202: This company file is on another computer, and QuickBooks needs some help connecting.” Essentially, QuickBooks cannot access the company file stored on another system, which can impede your ability to work on financial data.

Causes of QuickBooks Error H202

Understanding the causes of QuickBooks Error H202 can help you address the problem more effectively. Here are some common reasons why this error might occur:

1. Network Issues

If there are network connectivity issues, QuickBooks may struggle to connect to the company file. Problems such as unstable network connections or incorrect network configurations can lead to Error H202.

2. Incorrect Hosting Configuration

QuickBooks requires specific hosting configurations to access company files over a network. If the hosting settings are incorrect, it can result in Error H202.

3. Firewall and Antivirus Settings

Sometimes, firewall or antivirus software can block QuickBooks from accessing the company file. These security settings might mistakenly identify QuickBooks as a potential threat and restrict its network access.

4. Corrupt .ND or .TLG Files

QuickBooks uses .ND (Network Data) and .TLG (Transaction Log) files to manage network data and transactions. If these files become corrupt, QuickBooks may encounter difficulties in accessing the company file, resulting in Error H202.

5. Server Issues

If the server hosting the QuickBooks company file is experiencing issues, QuickBooks may be unable to connect to it. Server problems can include improper configurations or software malfunctions.

Steps to Resolve QuickBooks Error H202

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you troubleshoot and fix QuickBooks Error H202:

1. Verify Network Connectivity

First, ensure that all computers and servers are properly connected to the network. Check for any issues with your network hardware, such as routers or switches, and make sure they are functioning correctly. Additionally, verify that your network settings are properly configured for QuickBooks.

2. Check Hosting Configuration

Ensure that QuickBooks is properly configured for hosting. Follow these steps to check and adjust your hosting settings:

  1. Open QuickBooks on the computer that hosts the company file.
  2. Go to the “File” menu and select “Utilities.”
  3. If you see an option for “Host Multi-User Access,” this indicates that the computer is set up as a host.
  4. On other computers, make sure that the option for “Use Local Files” is selected if they are not intended to host the company file.

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3. Configure Firewall and Antivirus Settings

If your firewall or antivirus software is blocking QuickBooks, you will need to configure it to allow QuickBooks to access the network. Add QuickBooks and the QuickBooks Database Server Manager as exceptions in your firewall and antivirus settings. Consult the documentation for your specific software for instructions on how to add exceptions.

4. Repair or Rename .ND and .TLG Files

To resolve issues with corrupt .ND or .TLG files, you can try the following:

  1. Locate the folder where your QuickBooks company file is stored.
  2. Find the .ND and .TLG files associated with your company file.
  3. Rename these files by adding .OLD to the end of the file names (e.g., companyfile.nd becomes companyfile.nd.OLD).
  4. Restart QuickBooks, and it will automatically create new .ND and .TLG files.

5. Use QuickBooks File Doctor

QuickBooks File Doctor is a tool provided by Intuit that can help diagnose and fix various QuickBooks issues, including Error H202. Download and run the QuickBooks File Doctor from the QuickBooks Tools Hub. Follow the on-screen instructions to scan and repair your company file and network issues.

6. Check Server Configuration

If the error persists, check the server hosting the company file. Ensure that the server is properly configured and that QuickBooks is installed and updated to the latest version. If necessary, consult your IT administrator or QuickBooks support for assistance with server issues.

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QuickBooks Error H202 can be a significant hindrance to your accounting tasks, but understanding its causes and following the appropriate troubleshooting steps can help you resolve it effectively. From verifying network connectivity to adjusting firewall settings and repairing corrupt files, addressing Error H202 involves a series of methodical steps.

If you find that the error persists despite your efforts, or if you need additional assistance, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. You can reach out to QuickBooks support at +1–888–538–1314 for expert guidance and support tailored to your specific issue.

By addressing QuickBooks Error H202 promptly, you can ensure smooth and uninterrupted management of your financial data, keeping your business operations on track.

