Drop Collision Photography: Basics And More

Elina Joseph
2 min readJan 31, 2020


Photography has become the passion of many and different social media platforms, be it Instagram, Facebook, Flickr or Twitter, are exploding with pictures put up by a lot of budding photographers. Drop collision or water drop collision photography is one of the forms of photography which makes for an aesthetic picture. Talking about aesthetics, we, as a community, have always appreciated beauty and encouraged art in a variety of possible ways. From visiting museums to collecting art pieces, we have done it all. If you are a collector of all things beautiful, you must buy drop a collision photography piece as it will not only make your living space livelier but will also be a treat to your guests’ eyes! You may also look for stores where water drop collision photography is for sale.

Now, let us shed some light on the fundamentals of drop collision photography for all the budding photographers out there:

  • To start with the basic, a crown is created on the water’s surface when any drop of liquid falls into a container with water. A water pillar is created following the same. Shapes like umbrella or mushroom get created if you release successive water drops, at proper intervals, in such a way that the water pillar formed as a result of the first drop hits the succeeding drop.
  • To start with water drop collision photography is easy. You can start with just a camera and a tripod. Decide on the way to make drops. Proper use of flash goes a long way in taking a perfect picture. A good backdrop arrangement is also required. You may get a water drop photography kit. DropRobo is a good option.
  • Good lighting enhances the beauty of the photograph. Know the flash setting of your camera and adjust it accordingly. In order to avoid capturing a blurred splash, keep the ‘flash exposure compensation’ setting on very low. Proper focus also plays a crucial role in getting the photograph right.
  • Use different colors. Experimenting with colors is another important key when it comes to drop collision photography. Different liquids may be used. Milk is good to start with. As compared to water, it has a higher viscosity and thus does not flow that quickly!
  • Last but not the least, be creative and keep experimenting. With some patience and perseverance, you can polish your skill and become an amazing drop water photographer.

Coming to the art connoisseurs, may we once again suggest you to start collecting drop water photographs. Visit John Scala Photography to buy drop collision photography. With some luck, you may also get water drop collision photography for sale!



Elina Joseph

I sell fine art photography including landscapes, animals, abstract and more.