Are You Being Led by Fear or Hope?

Elina Nikol J
3 min readJul 21, 2022


May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. — Nelson Mandela

Yesterday my company decided it would be a great idea to send everyone an email letting us know that some of us were going to receive another email indicating if we were getting laid off. Then, minutes later, they sent that email to half the company. I’ve been let go along with the majority of my department.

The plan (from my source) was going to be the first email, a bit of time for us to read it, and then the second email. It seems HR didn’t get that memo.

There’s no rhyme or reason to who got cut (but lots of speculation). For instance, why did I, someone who’s trained people how to do the job for the past six years and an employee for eight, get chopped while my roommate, promoted to the trainer position at the end of 2021 and has been with the company less time, not get chopped (for now at least)?

I don’t know and I don’t think it matters especially since I was already planning a move. But what about my co-workers, my friends, who weren’t planning their escape just yet? That’s where my heart breaks.

All the emotions are being experienced right now as we process the new reality. The fear and anger and anxiety are real and raw. Every emotion is valid and I’m a believer that we need to feel emotions to move through them. We’ve been given a 60-day notice after being told a couple months ago we were fine, we were still needed. It’s a slap in the face. Even though many of us had a sense something like this was in the works, it doesn’t make the blow hurt less.

choose the direction that pulls you towards love & hope

And if I’m being honest, it’s bullshit.

But I refuse to have my choices for my future be guided by anger or hate or fear. My choices will be made from love and hope that better things are coming. What pulls me forward is my faith that all things are working for my highest good. All things are working for me.

It’s not an easy road to walk. With such a mass layoff, it’s easy to get caught up in the crowd that wants to burn the place down (figuratively, of course). It feels good to use righteous anger and throw middle fingers into the air. But after the destruction, what will have been accomplished that moves us towards our highest good? Not much, if anything.

When life throws a plot twist or two in, how do you react? Do you act out of fear or hope? Are you acting from hate or love? While anger is a great catalyst to light a fire and move you into action, you can only sustain anger for so long before it consumes you and all the beautiful things you’re meant to create.

If I could offer anything resembling advice, once you’re done feeling all you need to feel, stand back up, readjust your crown (or pick it up from the floor), and get back to work creating a life you deserve. And if your community is anything like mine, don’t be afraid to lean on them for support in your time of need.



Elina Nikol J

Daughter. Sister. Writer. Feminist. Personal narrative writer. Multifaceted human.