8 Surprising differences between Norway and Sweden

Eline Van Breda
10 min readAug 30, 2018

Norway and Sweden are both countries in Scandinavia. But which are the differences between the countries? Both countries have their typical traits and beauty. And beauty is also in the differences, right?

Photo by Eline Van Breda

1. Costs of living

The restaurant and grocery prices are respectively 35,13% and 34,87% higher in Norway than in Sweden.

Off course the prices of meals in restaurants vary according to the places you visit in both Norway and Sweden. Do you go to the restaurant next to a museum in the middle of the city? Or do you stop at a small town with a local restaurant? The price depends highly on that. This is the same for supermarkets. They tend to be a bit more expensive in touristy places. This is something you can easily look out for, and so avoid or gain extra budget in already expensive countries.

Is the salary then also higher in Norway compared to Sweden? Yes, that is correct! But not so much that it makes up for the high price differences for every day goods and services. So, the purchasing power in Sweden is about 10% higher in Sweden compared to Norway.

The average rent prices in Norway are 32,59% higher compared to Sweden. This is a lot! Therefore you see a lot of people living in Sweden going to work in Norway. That way they gain on 2 sides, they pay…



Eline Van Breda

Belgian young woman that fell in love with Scandinavia. Nature & dog enthousiast, Blogger and owner of a Scandinavian webshop: www.scandipure.se