How to reset Facebook password without phone number and email?

Eli Rivera
3 min readFeb 28, 2024

To reset your Facebook password without a phone number or email, visit the login page and click “Forgot Password?” Enter your username or name, select your account, and follow the prompts. Facebook may offer alternative recovery options like using linked Google or Yahoo accounts, identifying friends’ photos, or answering security questions. If needed, contact Facebook support for assistance (844) 457–1440 OR (650) 543–4800. Keep recovery information updated to avoid future issues.

  • Important Note: While the phone numbers (844–457–1440 and 650–543–4800) you provided might connect you to Facebook, these are not specifically designated for account recovery assistance. Facebook primarily uses these numbers for business inquiries. It’s best to adhere to the online support channels mentioned above.

Resetting your Facebook password can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve forgotten both your phone number and email associated with your account. However, Facebook provides several methods to recover access to your account even without these contact details. If you have recovery issues, you can contact these numbers for help: (844) 457–1440 OR (650) 543–4800. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to reset your Facebook password without a phone number or email:

1. Visit the Facebook Login Page: Open your web browser and navigate to the Facebook login page at

2. Click on “Forgot Password?”: Below the login fields, you’ll find a “Forgot Password?” link. Click on it to initiate the password recovery process.

3. Enter Your Username or Full Name: In the provided text field, enter your username or the full name associated with your Facebook account. If you’re not sure about your username, you can try different variations of your name.

4. Identify Your Account: Facebook will present you with a list of accounts that match the name you entered. Look through the list and select your account if it’s displayed. If you don’t see your account, try refining your search by entering more specific details.

5. Choose a Recovery Option: Since you don’t have access to your phone number or email, Facebook may offer alternative methods for account recovery. Look for options like “Use my Google account” or “Use my Yahoo account” if you have linked these accounts to your Facebook profile. If you have a trusted contact added to your account, you might also see an option to contact them for help.

6. Identify Photos of Friends: In some cases, Facebook may ask you to identify photos of your friends to confirm your identity. This step helps ensure that you are the rightful owner of the account.

7. Answer Security Questions: If you’ve set up security questions for your Facebook account, you may be prompted to answer them as part of the recovery process. Make sure to provide accurate answers to these questions.

8. Wait for Review: After completing the necessary steps, Facebook will review your request for password recovery. This process may take some time, so be patient.

9. Check Your Email or Phone: Even though you don’t have access to the email or phone number associated with your account, to check contact at (844) 457–1440 OR (650) 543–4800. Facebook may still send notifications or instructions to these addresses. If you have access to any other email or phone number that you may have used in the past, check them periodically for any messages from Facebook.

10. Contact Facebook Support: If none of the above methods work or if you encounter any issues during the recovery process, you can contact Facebook support for further assistance (844) 457–1440 OR (650) 543–4800. You can reach out to Facebook’s support team through their Help Center or by submitting a support request.

It’s essential to keep your account recovery information up to date to avoid facing difficulties in the future. Make sure to add a valid phone number and email address to your Facebook account and periodically review and update your security settings.



Eli Rivera

I am Eli Rivera and like to remain up to date with the latest software technology.